Page 87 of The Art of You

“It’s more like I have this annoying itch beneath my skin, and scratching it doesn’t help. It’s like a phantom itch. Or too deep to get at it or something. That’s the feeling I have. Not bad. Just . . .unsettling.” Made sense to me, at least. Based on the look in his eyes, he was about to drug test me.

“You’re not making me feel any better. In fact, I feel ten times worse.” He ran his knuckles up and down his jawline as if in a trance, eyes on the floor. “I know C is bringing two of our other guys with you all just in case, but I think we need more than that to replace me.”

C, huh?First time I’d heard my brother abbreviate Constantine’s name down to a single letter outside of texting. “Well, you’re irreplaceable, we all know that.” I tried to keep my smile and voice casual, hoping to calm his nerves and distract his mind.

“Yeah, well, Adelina will be here soon to give us an update before you fly out, but I went ahead and reached out to Falcon Falls myself. I just got off the phone with Jesse. I haven’t filled in the others yet, but I shared our situation with him.”

“And?” My smile evaporated at the dark tone in his voice.

“He can’t step in for me like I hoped. His team’s not operating right now. He couldn’t tell me the details, but they’re handling the fallout of another case.”

“Well, Jesse may be a badass in his own right, but he’s not you. So don’t worry about someone covering for?—”

“He made a recommendation, though. He has a SEAL friend he trusts, and he’s in New York now. He rolled with us on that op in Upstate last year.”

The op that led to us discovering Bianca’s murderer wasn’t really dead. That memory was at every turn lately.

“His wife’s former CIA. She helped us with some tech stuff this summer. Jesse trusts him, and my brother-in-law, Ryan, vouched for him from their SEAL days, too.” Was he trying to convince me, or sell himself on this idea? “It helps that he has contacts in Spain and a place for you all to stay when you’re in Barcelona, too.”

“So, if this turns into an operation, and not just a casual meet and greet with Alfie, we’ll be better prepared?” I rubbed my arms up and down, trying to chase away the chills.

“Yeah, and he’s got us covered flying into the airport. That’ll come in handy so we’re not detained because of the weapons we’re bringing, too.” He checked his watch. “He’ll be arriving any minute, should be just behind Adelina. And Jesse said Adelina has some news for us.”

My brother’s gaze flicked from his watch to something over myshoulder, and I turned to see Hudson filling the doorway, holding a duffel bag. He locked eyes with me, and as if on cue, announced, “Adelina’s downstairs.”

I bit the inside of my lip as I stared at this powerhouse of a man before me in all black. Despite the bruises on his face, you’d never know he’d been in an accident. His posture was perfect, head held up, and his impressive arms were on display in his well-fitted T-shirt. The black backward ball cap topped off the imposing look.

“We’ll meet you downstairs. I need a minute with your sister first.” Hudson stepped to the side of the door, letting Enzo know he could, and should, leave.

I turned to see Enzo’s gaze bouncing back and forth between us before he took off from the room.

Hudson shutandlocked the door behind him, then quietly dropped the duffel bag on the couch. “I swung over to your place to get a few things to take with us.”

“You didn’t tell me why you were leaving. Was it safe to be walking around alone given what’s going on?”

He shot me a funny look. “I can handle myself, don’t you worry.”

That you can.“I take it you borrowed a key from one of my brothers?”

“I did. I’m thinking I’ll be keeping it, too.”

I liked the way that sounded.

“Anyone else have one I should know about?” he asked almost casually, refacing the couch.

I did my best not to stare at his back muscles and glutes in those black jeans as he bent forward, digging into the bag. “No need to change my locks, no,” I reassured him as he turned around with Rugby.

I walked over to him, feeling my heart sigh as loud as my mouth did.

He handed me the worn-out bear, and I clutched him to my chest and said the first thing that came to mind, which wasn’t a thank-you. “Does this mean I’ll be sleeping alone in Spain?”

“No, ma’am, it doesn’t.” His husky tone rattled something free in my chest.

Desire.Phew.This man could ma’am me all day long, too.

“I thought you’d like to have him with you on the flight, along with your favorite sweatshirt.”

I peeked around him to see what else he’d packed in that magic bag. My preferred brand of dark chocolate candy. Two golf magazines, but not the same ones I’d hid the photo between.Good call on that.“My sketchpad, too, huh?”