Bella: I can’t sleep.
I switched to my back, propped my head up with my good arm, and used voice-to-text to continue what I assumed would be a lengthy conversation with her.
We’d had a few of these late-night talks in the last few months. I’d never thought much of it before. Just two friends chatting about anything and everything until three in the morning. Totally normal. So, I’d thought. Now I knew better. This was part of the “more” that’d been happening between us, I just hadn’t forced myself to accept it untilthis weekend.
Bella: I’ve tried everything to fall asleep and nothing is working.
Me: I’m sure you haven’t tried everything-everything. Golf channel? A nice horror flick?
Bella: Neither helped. I did try.
Me: Hmmm.
Bella: I think the problem is that, well . . .
Bella: I don’t want to be alone.
And there it was. I’d been expecting that, but it was something she’d never texted me on our previous late-night chats.
Me: I’ll be sure someone gets your bear from the city tomorrow so you don’t have to sleep alone.
Not what I wanted to say, but I was trying to be good. Brothers in the house and all.
Bella: What about tonight, though?
Me: You didn’t need him the weekend you stayed at my place . . . I think you can go one night here.
Bella: I wonder why I didn’t bring him. Maybe I was hoping someone else would cuddle with me instead?
Bella: (Like I’m asking you now.)
Me: You want me to fill in for Rugby?
Bella: If I promise I’ll behave, will you?
Me: Expand on your definition of “behave,” please. We may not share the same one.
Bella: Hands to myself. No accidental “bumping” of any kind. Sassy mouth in check (since I know that turns you on, and don’t lie and say it doesn’t). Fully clothed (in the PJs I had on in the kitchen, at least). Panties on.
Bella: Don’t ask me to wear a bra, though. That’d be cruel and unusual torture. (It’s not like I have big boobs anyway. I mean, your hand played abracadabra with my breast and made it disappear tonight. Covered the whole thing.)
Was she trying to kill me? I sent her three back-to-back emojis. The same little guy with a cocked brow.
Bella: And that means?
Me: You’re not selling me on the whole behaving thing. Talking about your sassy mouth, panties, and tits. Try again, miss.
I was hard.Great.
Bella: My brothers are down the hall and asleep. I know your head is as off as mine, if not more. I really do plan to be good.
“Sure you will be, sweetheart. Such a good girl.” I trashedthe voice message I almost sent. How the hell would I share a bed with her?
Bella: Also, I think you’re safe from ACE. They didn’t try to kill you earlier for being alone with me. So, if we’re just sharing your bed (because mine is lonely and lumpy) and they were to find out, I have to believe you won’t face Judgment Day.
Me: Do your brothers know you refer to them as ACE? I like it, though.
Bella: Came up with it on the fly just now.