Page 91 of Double Play

“You forgot to mention that someone put their dick in your ass? It’s kind of a big omission, pun intended.” I sigh. “Shit, I guess I’m the only anal virgin left.”

Kam pinches her lips together like a duck. “With the way you and Layton are together, I’m thinking in about a year, we’ll be celebrating your analversary too.”

My parents enjoyed watchingQuincy pitch last night. He threw a shutout. My father was losing his shit the whole time, excited at the prospect of seeing him throw the shutout. I’ve never seen them this vested in either of us playing. It feels good.

Layton got over the whole not touching me with my parents in the state thing. He had me meet him just before the game to get his so-calledmagic potion.

Watching him smell his fingers before he steps into the batter’s box is just about the most erotic, obscene thing I’ve ever witnessed. I’m appalled and turned on all at the same time. Maybe a little more turned on than appalled.

I had to sit there, next to my parents, and watch my boyfriend smell me on his fingers before every time he stepped into the batter’s box.

Toward the end of the game, my mother placed her hand on my shoulder and asked, “Does Layton have a cold?”

“No, why?”

“He keeps wiping his nose.”

I had to bite the inside of my cheek to stymie my smile. “Nope. He’s healthy.Veryhealthy.”

“I hope so. I don’t want to get sick. We can’t afford to miss any more work.”

“He’s fine, Mom.”

“I’m glad to hear it.” She mock shivered. “He’s so handsome.”

I stared at his ass in those baseball pants. “Yes, he is.” And he’s all mine.

Today is my game.Before it starts, I see Layton in his normal seat, flanked on either side by my parents, the three of them chatting away like old friends. I’m so happy that they’re getting along.


I turn my head and see one of the owners, Beckett Windsor, shouting my name from the stands. I nod his way. He points down to his daughter, Andie, who I’ve met before. She likes to take pictures with me when she’s here. She’s adorable, asking about a thousand questions at a time.

I see Tanner’s daughter, Harper, standing with her. There’s also a third girl around the same age as them. I’ve never seen her before.

He waves me over and I head their way. The girls get excited as I approach. I love their enthusiasm.

I smile. “Andie, Harper, it’s good to see you two. Who’s your friend?”

Andie answers, “This is our friend, Dylan Knight.”

“It’s nice to meet you, Dylan.”

“You too.” She’s a sassy-looking kid with darker hair and very light blue eyes. “Is it true that Layton Lancaster is your boyfriend?”

I let out a laugh and look at Beckett for some guidance. He simply shrugs in exasperation.

I point toward Layton in the stands. “Do you see him sitting over there? He’s right behind our dugout.”

Dylan turns her head and notices him for the first time. Her eyes light up. “I see him! Oh wow. He’s even cuter in person.”

Andie looks at her. “I told you he would be here. He always comes when they don’t have games.” She then turns to me. “She has a crush on him. She only came today because I said he’d likely be here. No offense, but I like Butch McVey. He’ssupercute.”

Beckett practically growls. “Andie, Butch McVey is a grown man. You’re seven years old.”

She nods. “I know. He has tattoos like you, Daddy. Arizona, does Layton Lancaster have any tattoos? If so, where are they? What are they of?”

Before I can respond, Bailey walks over. Harper immediately jumps into her waiting arms as Bailey kisses her head. “Hi, sweet girl.” She smiles at the other girls. “Andie, Dylan, are you ladies having fun?”