Page 77 of Double Play

He nods toward an attractive blonde woman on the dance floor practically making googly eyes at Kamryn. “She’s interested.”

Kam shrugs. “Are you seriously looking to make another wager? Your hair just grew back. What’s left? Tattoos?”

He smirks. “One of these days I’ll win, and then I’m going to jam your clam so hard that you’ll never be able to look at a fishing pole without thinking of me. It’s worth the small sacrifices along the way.” He looks at her with his ever-present mischievous blue eyes. “Same rules?”

Kam taps her chin for a moment in thought. “Meh. She doesn’t do it for me.”

He sighs in disappointment.

“I think my lady garden isn’t feeling like a vegetarian tonight. She needs a little meat. Maybe some big Mexican salami. Know where I can find one?”

His chin drops. “Are you fucking with me right now? Is this for real?”

She slides out of the booth and stands before leaning her hands on the table. “Alright, guapo. Let’s see if you can handle me. You better be the tiger I’ve been hearing about for months. Game on, motherfucker.”

He stands in the back of the booth and leaps over the table. “I hope you’ve got vet insurance, Kam bam, cause I’m about to tear that pussy up. Let’s go, momma.”

He easily throws Kam over his shoulder like a fireman. She laughs as he sprints out of the bar with her in tow.

Layton grabs my hand. “Let’s get out of here. I want to celebrate alone with you.”

I stand and pull his hand. “Dance with me. Just give me one dance, superstar.”

He smiles, knowing he said the same thing to me the night we met. “One dance, sunshine, then we buzz off.” He licks his lips. “Together.”

I giggle at him echoing my words from that night. “Deal.”

He orders us an Uber on his phone before leading me to the dance floor as the music plays. He pulls me into his arms, his body flush against mine.

We’re not kissing, but his lips are everywhere, as are his hands. He so easily makes me forget where I am, igniting my body with every touch. It’s like we can’t get close enough to one another.

I quickly glance around the bar. All eyes are on us. I whisper, “People are watching.”

He whispers back, “I don’t care.”

I notice a few of them recording us. “I think they’re taking videos.”

“I don’t care.”

His hands move up the back of my shirt. He grinds his erection against me as his lips graze over mine.

“We should be careful. I don’t want this causing issues for your contract.”

“I don’t care.”

We need to leave before the videos become explicit and they’re seen by management. I mumble into his mouth. “You win. Let’s get out of here.”

He smiles into my mouth before hurriedly pushing me toward the exit with the front of his body pressed to the back of mine. I can feel his erection on my back side. I imagine one like his is hard to hide.

As soon as we’re out the door, he spins me and has me pinned to the brick wall of the building in less than a second.He lifts my legs so they’re wrapped around him, and then grinds himself into me.

I run my hands through his hair. “Are we going to my home dugout or your away dugout?”

“Sunshine, I’m going to make you scream so fucking loud tonight. We’re going to my place. No roommates. I can fuck you anywhere and everywhere. All. Night. Long. There is one rule at my apartment though.”

I smile. “What’s that?”

“No clothes. Ever. It’s a nudist colony.”