Page 73 of Double Play


I’m shopping with Ripley, Kam, and Bailey before I have to go to a photo shoot this afternoon. Next week is theSportsIllustratedbody image issue unveiling party. I’m with them, shopping for their new dresses. Auburn Bouvier designed another dress for me, so I’m wearing that, but I wanted to come with my friends and help them find something special to wear. They’re all excited for the big night.

Bailey runs her fingers through the rack and subtly asks, “Will Tanner Montgomery be at the party?”

I shrug. “I’m not sure. Probably. Wouldn’t you know? You’re working for him.” After I mentioned it, Tanner interviewed Bailey and hired her on the spot. She’s been working there a few days a week ever since.

“I hang with Harper, not him.”

Kam narrows her eyes at her sister and then widens them as if something has occurred to her. “Oh my god. You have a crush on him.”

Bailey’s entire face turns red, and she looks down. “No I don’t. He’s super old. Like forty-three, only a few years younger than Mom and Dad.”

Kam places her hands on her hips, appearing unconvinced. She turns to me. “Is he hot?”

I nod. “So hot. He’s got the whole salt-and-pepper, sexy older man thing going.”

Kam smiles at Bailey. In a sultry voice, she teases, “Have you been a bad girl? Do you need a spanking?”

Bailey sighs. “Here we go.”

“I bet you want to call himDaddy, don’t you?”

Bailey rolls her eyes. “Drop it. He’s my boss. I’m not interested in him like that. Age gaps that large are best left for fiction.”

I shoot Ripley a knowing look and she gives me the same in return. Bailey is most definitely interested, but I don’t want to further embarrass her. “Speaking of that kind offiction, I learned recently that Cheetah reads romance novels. He said it’s his female instruction manual.”

They all burst out laughing. Cheetah is badass looking. Knowing he reads those books is comical.

I’ve gota photoshoot for a sports drink that I’m being paid a ridiculous amount of money to endorse. Layton insisted on coming with me, wanting to support my first big endorsement. Tanner is here too, making sure things run smoothly and that I’m being treated properly. They asked me to shoot in California, but he negotiated that it would take place here, which is great because I’d otherwise have to wait until after the season was over. With Layton and me leaving shortly after our seasons are over for the Fantasy Suits shoot, this would have been delayed for months. Once the executives realized my timeline, they agreed to do it here in Philly right away.

I’m now closely examining Tanner. He’s a little old for my personal liking, but he’s definitely an attractive man. His eyes are a unique shade of light brown. Almost golden. He’s got a sexy beard, is tall, and is very well built. I wonder if anything is going on with Bailey and him beyond her obvious crush.

While I’m dressed in my Anacondas uniform, which is comfortable for me, I’m in full makeup, and my hair is blown out to styled perfection. I would certainly never look like this for an actual ballgame. It’s kind of ridiculous.

Layton hasn’t kept his hands or lips off me the entire time. The makeup crew yelled at him for making their work twice as hard, so the director forced him to stand in the back of the studio, where he’s been taking about a thousand pictures of me from afar. He’s completely annoying the photographer. Atleast it’s making me smile. I think he’s my number one fan. I love it so much.

While they’re fixing one of the lighting angles, Tanner approaches, handing me a bottle of water. “How is everything going?”

“Thank you.” I take a much-needed sip. “It’s fine. This isn’t natural for me, but hopefully they’ll get a few good shots.”

He lets out a laugh. “I think there will be more than a few. You look great.”

“Thank you.”

“So…what did you do to Layton?”

“What do you mean?”

“I’ve never seen him like this. So smitten.”

I can’t help but smile as I look toward the back of the room at him. He winks at me. He’s just so…dreamy.

Tanner clears his throat, bringing me back to the present.

I let out a laugh. “I guess I’m smitten too. I think the whole thing is kind of unexpected for both of us. Especially given how things started.”

He scratches his neck nervously. “On some level, I’m happy for him. On the other, I’m worried.”