“I didn’t take this decision lightly. I want to make sure the team is in good hands. The right hands. The Cougars have been sold to a group consisting of three families, two of which are lifetime Cougars fans, and the third family are longtime trusted friends of mine. Without any further delay, please allow me to introduce the new owners. The Daulton, Windsor, and Bouvier families have purchased the Cougars organization. Effective immediately, they are the new owners of the team. The deal was finalized this evening. I know they will take care of my baby.
“Thank you all for over fifty years of loyalty. No fans are better than Philly fans.”
He holds up his hand like a paw, the traditional Cougar salute.
“Claws up, Cougars.”
He steps off stage. I see an attractive blonde woman in a business suit take the stage and walk toward the podium, but I can’t hear a word she says. My head is spinning, and my ears are ringing.
I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket. Taking it out, I see that it’s Tanner. I immediately answer as I walk toward the front door and outside so I can hear him better.
I answer, “Holy fuck.”
“Did you see it?”
“Yes, everyone in Screwballs saw it. What does this mean for me?”
“I don’t know, Layton, but the new owners want tosee you first thing tomorrow morning. They’ve already contacted me.”
“Did they say why?”
“No clue, but it can’t be good. I hope they’re not releasing you. You need to prepare yourself for the worst. They don’t ask for meetings like this to offer good news. Get your ass home and get a good night’s sleep.”
I hold my hand up for a cab and get in. “Already on my way.”
“Be at the stadium at nine sharp. No fucking around. You need to be on your best behavior.”
“I got it. I’ll see you then.”
As I ride in the cab on the way home, it hits me that I just abandoned Arizona. I played right into the dialogue of what she thinks about baseball players, me in particular. I’m such an asshole. I guess it doesn’t matter. I won’t see her again. I don’t even know her last name.
Damn. I was attracted to her. There’s something different about her.
The next morning,I arrive at the stadium fifteen minutes early. Tanner is waiting for me by the front door to the executive offices. He’s in his mid-forties, with salt and pepper hair. He had aspirations of playing professional baseball at some point, even playing at a local college. When he realized that wasn’t happening, he went to law school so he could become an agent. I was one of his first clients. I was eighteen when I met him. Even though he’s only nine years older than me, he’s become like a father figure to me. The only one I’ve ever known.
We walk inside together, and he rubs my back. “Are you okay?”
“I’m just in shock.”
“I think the entire baseball world is in shock. No one saw this coming. Let’s head to the conference room. They said to meet them there. Whatever they say, we’ll manage our way through it.” He places his hand on my shoulder. “You have options, Layton. I’m here for you. No matter what goes down today.”
“Thanks, bro. I appreciate you always supporting me.”
I look around, suddenly feeling nostalgic knowing this might be the last time I’m in the stadium I’ve called home for over fifteen years. What will I do with my life? The Cougars are all I’ve ever known. I can’t imagine living anywhere but Philly. I don’t want to.
We walk into the conference room and see six people waiting for me. I immediately recognize the attractive blonde woman from the television last night. In person, she looks like a model, not a businesswoman, though she’s dressed in a nice pantsuit. She’s probably close to my age. Maybe even younger. Wow.
She looks at Tanner. “We want to speak to him alone. Can you wait in the hallway?”
Tanner looks to me for approval and I nod. I walk in and she closes the door behind me before holding out her hand. “Hi, Layton. I’m Reagan Daulton. This is my husband, Carter.” She points to a mountain of a man who looks like a football player in a business suit. He must be a former professional athlete that I’ve just never heard of. “This is Beckett Windsor and his fiancée, Amanda Tremaine.” I recognize Beckett. I think he’s known as the richest man in America. I’ve seen him in gossip rags. He’sa little older than everyone else. His fiancée is a good-looking brunette who appears to be pregnant. “And this is Auburn and Gianna Bouvier. They’re from New York. Gianna will handle the accounting for the Cougars moving forward, but they’ll otherwise be a bit more hands-off, as they live in New York City.” I recognize Auburn too. He looks a few years older than me, but his wife iswayyounger. There must be some daddy issues there.
I shake everyone’s hands. “It’s nice to meet you all.”
I have no idea why I’m their first order of business, but I’m nervous as hell. My hands are shaking. I sit down in a chair at the table and am about to ask what I’m doing here when the conference room door opens. Everyone turns to it.
My eyes just about pop out of my head. “Arizona?”
She looks equally shocked to see me, but then she gives me that scowl I remember from last night when I met her at the table. If looks could kill, I’d be fish food right now.