Page 4 of Double Play

I hold my hand out to her again. “How about a dance, Arizona?”

She shakes her head. “I’m going to pass. We just arrived and ordered our drinks. I’m here to hang out with my friends. Run along. Find someone else to play with.”

I’m not known for pushing. Frankly, I never have to. “I hear you loud and clear.” I nod at them. “You ladieshave a good night.” I wink at Arizona. “If you change your mind, Iknowyou know where to find me.”

With an unexpected flare of sadness, I walk over and rejoin my friends in our booth. We have a few rounds of drinks and enjoy ourselves, as always. I, admittedly, have a bunch of women making it clear that they’re interested, but there’s only one woman here piquing my interest tonight.

About an hour later, the song “Shivers” by Ed Sheeran starts playing. The dance floor quickly fills, including Arizona and gang. The four of them are laughing and having a great time, clearly having had several drinks since I last saw them. They’re all a bit wobbly and giggly.

I can’t keep my eyes off Arizona. Even dressed down, she’s the most beautiful woman in this bar. The fact that she doesn’t even try makes her all the more attractive to me.

There’s something about that smile of hers. It’s got me in a trance. She’s looking a little more carefree than she did earlier. Maybe she’s lightened up now and will dance with me.

Gemma follows my line of sight. “She’s not your usual type.”

“What do you mean? She’s gorgeous.”

“She’s not wearing acome fuck mesign. In fact, just the opposite. That’s a girl who’s here to have fun with her friends, not prowl for ballplayers.”

I give her my panty-melting grin. “The chase is half the fun.”

I start to stand but she grabs my arm. “She’s not a one-night-stand girl. Even I can tell that. Stay in your lane.”

Is that all people think of me? I’ve been friends with Gemma for over four years. She probably knows me better than any woman in my life, and this is what she thinks? I suppose I’ve never given her a reason to think otherwise, but it still stings.

I pull away. “I’m capable of more. I just haven’t found the right one yet.” I hope.

“She’s clearly had a lot to drink. Don’t push it.”

I look at her feeling a bit hurt. “Ineverdo.”

Her face softens. “I know. I’m sorry.”

I walk away, annoyed, and head to the dance floor. I place my hands on Arizona’s hips from behind. She starts to turn around, but I hold her tight to keep her in place. I bring my front to her back and whisper in her ear, “Just give me one dance, sunshine.”

I see the little hairs on her neck stand at full attention. She takes a deep breath. “One dance, superstar, then buzz off.”

It’s hot when she calls me superstar.

I’m only now realizing that she’s tall. I didn’t appreciate it when she was sitting. I usually tower over women, but I don’t with her. She’s only six or seven inches shorter than me. I don’t often meet women this tall.

We move in unison to the fun beat of the song. She gradually lets loose. We’re having a good time, both smiling as we dance the unofficial “Shivers” swing.

I love her smell. It’s not some fancy perfume. It’s natural. It’s almost like the ocean. There’s something else to it that I can’t put my finger on, but it’s unique, and I’m into it.Veryinto it.

When the song is over, she turns around. I can see that her eyes are greenish blue like mine. I bet theychange color depending on what she’s wearing or when she’s in the throes of ecstasy. I know mine do.

She smiles shyly. “Thanks for the dance. It was fun. Have a good night.”

I gently grab her arm before she can walk away. “Can we go somewhere and talk?”

She shakes her head. “No. I don’t date baseball players.”

“Why not? We’re not all bad.”

“A lifetime of intel suggests otherwise.” She appears sad when she says it. “And cheesy pickup lines don’t really do it for me.”

“Cheesy? I said you have a beautiful smile and laugh. That was honest. If you want cheesy, I’ll give you cheesy.”