Page 40 of Double Play

I shrug. “He’s a huge star. I’m not.”

“I hate to break it to you, but you’re now a huge star too. Again, I have Layton’s permission to say this. He’s a fading star in a sea of stars. There are a lot bigger names in baseball right now than Layton Lancaster. He’s replaceable. You’re not. You arethestar of women’s softball. You’re the face of the sport. You’re the one every little girl like mine wants to imitate. They want to look like you. They want to play like you. They wantto wear the same clothes as you. Fantasy Suits is well aware of this.”

He briefly pauses. “I know you two have thatSports Illustratedphoto shoot coming up. Can I be straight without it coming across as sleazy? I promise I’m just trying to help.”

I let out a laugh. “Please do.”

“You’re stunning. That’s not opinion. That’s fact. You have a gorgeous, healthy figure. You practically ooze sex appeal in everything you say and do.”

I can’t help but cringe at the last one.

He smiles. “The fact that you’re so unaware of it makes you that much more appealing. You don’t post provocative pictures of yourself on social media. You’ve unwittingly made those picturesmorevaluable because none currently exist.”

“What exactly are you getting at?”

He clears his throat. “Once the photos fromSports Illustratedhit the stands, you’re going to be catapulted into the stratosphere. Even more so than you are now. I know it. Layton knows it. Fantasy Suitsdefinitelyknows it. You should prepare for it. Fantasy Suits is trying to book you in today’s dollars when, in a few weeks, you’re going to be pulling A-List dollars. That’s really all I can say without the conflict being too much. Find a lawyer. Have them push for the dollars you should be getting. Have them explain all the terms of the contract.”

“I hear what you’re saying. I’m less worried about the money than I am about Layton and me. You know we’re not in a real relationship. Our little PR arrangement is supposed to end when the season is over. Are we now supposed to continue the facade? Through the Fantasy Suits shoot? Through the release of the campaign? When does this end? Both of our personal lives are on hold until it does.”

“I understand your concerns. It would most definitely mean extending your relationship with him for theduration of that contract too. It’s clearly included in the terms. You and Layton are the only ones who can figure out if that works. But please pay attention to the language about your relationship in the contract. They have a lot of control.”

I leave his office feeling good about everything except Fantasy Suits. Layton and I may need to discuss it further.


Okay, I may have overreacted when I charged the field last week. I saw her hurt and had this innate need to get to her. I’ve never in my life felt more protective than I did at that moment.

Arizona is off today, and I don’t need to be at the ballpark until later this afternoon. We decided to go for a jog around the river. We move in slightly awkward silence for a bit until she admits, “I met with Tanner this morning.”

“Yes, I knew you were meeting. How did it go?”

“It went really well. He’s so smart and helpful. Thanks for advocating for me on the bathing suit deal. I appreciate that you were looking out for me.”

“You deserve to make real money on it. Their offer was bullshit.”

She nods nervously. “Do…do you want to do it?”

I was anticipating this question from her. “There are worse ways to spend two months than traveling the world to exotic beaches on someone else’s dime. Have you done much traveling?”

“None. I’ve never left the country. It’s not that though. The traveling sounds incredible. It’s more about us continuing to have to fake a relationship. There’s a lot of language in the contract about the status of our relationship. From what I can tell, we basically have to continue to fake things not just through the shoot, but through the three-month campaign afterward.”

“I know. Tanner said they won’t budge on the issue, and I understand why. They’re selling the same thing Reagan Daulton is trying to sell. There’s already proof it works.”

She silently nods.

“I understand that this is life-changing money for you. That’s why I’m willing to consider it.” And I wouldn’t mind extending our time together because my crush is reaching feverish heights. “Why don’t we see how theSports Illustratedshoot goes for us and then make a decision? It’s kind of an intimate shoot. Let’s make sure we’re comfortable and that it runs smoothly before we commit to months of doing that every day.”

“I hear you. That makes sense. We’ll shelve it for a week or so.”

“Great. That’s settled. Tell me what your life was like in Southern California after you graduated college.”

She gives me a sad smile. “For a few years, it was amazing. I missed Ripley, but I made new friends. I liked my teammates. I started seeing Marc about two years after college. I know you don’t see it now, but I was fun back then.”

I let out a laugh. “I think you’re fun.”

She rolls her eyes. “I’m not. Anyway, we had a good time for a long time. After the wedding that never was, Iclammed up. I did a lot of thinking. There were several red flags with him that I missed. Ignored.”

“Like what?”