“Run the bases in this stadium. This place is practically a landmark.”
“Well, Cinderella, here’s your chance.”
“Why not?”
“It’s freezing cold and I’m naked.”
“Live for the now, you never know what tomorrow will bring. Trust me, I would give anything to be able to run these bases right now.” I sit up and grab her shoes. “Put these on and go. I’ll be here under the blankets,ready to warm you when you get back. I know you’ll get around very quickly.”
She bites her lip as she contemplates it before nodding. “Fuck it. I’m doing it.”
She slips into her shoes, stands completely naked, and starts sprinting toward first base.
I’m laughing as I yell out, “That looks faster than Cheetah. Keep going!”
She turns toward second base and grabs her tits so they stop bouncing. I’m hysterically laughing at the vision of her running the bases naked with her hands supporting her breasts. She’s grinning from ear to ear, looking so carefree and happy.
In no time, she makes it back to me, quickly removes her shoes, and slips back into my arms under the blanket all while snort-laughing, my favorite sound in the world. She’s shivering, but I immediately engulf her with my warm body and rub my hands all over her.
“Feel good, sunshine?”
Her smile is larger than life and lifts me into the clouds. “It felt amazing.”
“I’ll never see anyone running these bases again without the vision of you running naked in my mind.”
“I’ll never look at home plate the same again.”
“That too.”
She runs her fingers through my hair. “Can I admit something to you?”
“I picked number eight because of you, not Yogi Berra.”
I grin. “I knew it! Can I admit something to you?”
“I started reading Cheetah’s romance novels while you were gone. And I like them.”
She giggles and I kiss her just because I can.
We go at it several times throughout the night. Neither of us want to sleep, knowing time is limited, but eventually sleep finds us.
I’m awakened by a female voice cooing, “Ooh, he’s even hotter in person.”
I blink my eyes open as my face is hit with a rush of cold air. I immediately remember that I’m sleeping on home plate in the Cougars’ stadium, unable to contain the feeling of contentment that I’m back in Layton’s arms. What I don’t understand is why I’m seeing double of Reagan Daulton standing over us.
I tap Layton, who’s wrapped around me like a blanket. I croak out, “Wake up, superstar.”
In his sexy, gravely morning voice, he manages, “No. If I wake up, you’ll have to leave again.” He squeezes me tight. “I’m never letting go.”