My emotional moment is broken by a knock at my door.
I wipe my eyes clean of the tears. “Come in.”
Butch walks through. “Do you want to do a little exploring, so we don’t fall asleep? We need to try to stay up so our bodies adjust to the time difference.”
“I think I’m just going to unpack and call Layton. I’m exhausted.”
“It’s the middle of the night there. Call him in a few hours when he’s awake. We’re in freakin’ Fiji. Come on. Let’s get out of the villa.”
I sigh. He’s right. “Okay. Give me five minutes.”
“I’ll be waiting out front. It looks like we can walk to the local village.”
As soon as he leaves, I FaceTime Layton. I know it’s the middle of the night for him, but I said I’d call.
He doesn’t answer. It goes to voicemail. I have a pang of disappointment. I thought he’d wait up for me.
Butch and I head out to the small town nearby. It’s unique looking. It’s not very modern, but incredibly charming, littered with small shops and cobblestone streets.
We’re walking around the shops when my FaceTime rings. I look down and see that it’s Layton.
Before I know what’s happening, Butch grabs my phone. “Let me say hello.” He accepts the call with a big smile. “Hey, buddy. Did you call to make sure I landed safely? You’re so sweet.”
I playfully swat his arm. “Give me the phone.” I see Layton’s handsome face, but he doesn’t look happy. He looks furious.
“Why is he answering your phone? Where are you?”
“We’re walking around the village, attempting to stay awake. Are you in bed?”
“Yes, I tried to stay up for your call. I must have dozed off. You landed safely?”
“Yep.” I look around. “It’s so beautiful here. I wish you were with me.”
Butch motions that he’s running into a store. I nod that I’ll wait for him.
I look down at my phone. “What are you up to today?”
He looks so sad. “I’m interviewing a few physical therapists via Zoom.” He knocks on his cast. “When this comes off, I want to hit the ground running. How was the plane ride?”
“It was fine. We got to know each other and then I slept for a bit.”
“Did you get my gift?”
I smile. “Yes. I love it. Ireallylove that it smells like you. Thank you. And love mybouquet.”
He grins as his eyes move up toward his ceiling. “Thanks for my poster. You look gorgeous in it. I’m going to have a permanent boner waking up to this every day.”
It’s one of me alone from theSports Illustratedshoot. It’s revealing and sensual. I knew he’d like it.
I giggle.
His face turns serious. “Arizona?”
“He’s going to try to sleep with you.”
“No, he’s not. He’s been a gentleman so far.”