Ripley pushes on it a few times and it ripples. “How do you get into a rhythm on this? Or worse, what if you’re out of rhythm?”
Kam shrugs. “I don’t know. I’ll be sure to do a lot of research so I can let you know.” She taps her lip for a moment. “Maybe I should indulge in somesolo researchbefore I bring in another person.” She air quotessolo research.
She begins to pull down her pants.
I grab Ripley. “Ugh. Let’s go. We don’t need to see this.”
Ripley shrugs. “I kind of want to see how it goes down on the waterbed. I’m fascinated by the logistics of it all.”
I start toward the bedroom door. “I’m getting dressed and heading out. I’ll see you guys later. Enjoy watching Kam get herself off on her fish tank.”
Bailey and Ripley giggle as they follow me out the bedroom door and close it behind them.
A few minutes before nine,I make my way into the stadium’s executive entrance. A guard shows me to the conference room. When I open the door, my eyes look around at a few familiar faces from the television last night until they land onhim. LaytonfuckingLancaster. Asshole extraordinaire, sitting in a chair, with acat got your tonguelook on his face, while blurting, “Arizona?”
A blonde woman who I recognize from the press conference last night smiles at me before looking back at Layton. “Oh good. You know Arizona Abbott. I guess that makes sense with her brother being on the team.”
The look on Layton’s face tells me he had no idea that Quincy was my brother. I know they’re close friends. Q talks about it all the time. Layton is so self-absorbed that he didn’t even know the name of his best friend’s sister. It’s not like it’s a run-of-the-mill kind of name.
The blonde woman rubs her hands in excitement. “Well, I’m thrilled you know each other because we’ve got a very unconventional proposal for you. One that will require you two to spend a lot of time together. Intimately.”
Intimately? What the hell does that mean? What is going on here?
I’m about to ask these questions when the blonde woman approaches me and holds out her hand. “Arizona, I’m Reagan Daulton. Thank you for coming in on such short notice. It’s nice to finally meet you. I’m a huge fan. I’ve followed your career.”
I tentatively shake her hand in return. “I honestly have no clue what I’m doing at this stadium in this conference room. My coach told me I needed to come here at nine this morning but didn’t tell me why.”
“I promise to clear up all confusion. Come meet everyone, and then I’ll explain.”
After introducing me to everyone in the room, which consists of six billionaires, I’m asked to sit in a chair next to the president of the douchebag club, Layton Lancaster.
He smiles as I sit. He’s got some nerve smiling after his disappearing act last night. I almost fell for his charm. Those fucking eyes and that chiseled, square, sexy jawline almost got me.Neveragain.
Layton’s eyes toggle among all the owners. “Can someone explain what’s happening here?”
Reagan nods. “Allow me. Layton, are you familiar with the Philadelphia Anacondas?”
“Umm, it sounds familiar. I think I’ve heard it mentioned a few times. Is that the name of the new professional women’s softball team?”
“It is. We quietly started a new team here this season.”
I pinch my eyebrows in confusion. “We? You’re the silentowners?” So far, we haven’t been given the name of the owners. We were told it was forthcoming before the season officially starts, which is next week.
She nods. “Yes. The same three families who now own the Cougars also own the Anacondas. We didn’t want that to go public until the Cougars purchase was finalized. We’ll issue a press release about it later today.”
I’m confused. “Why did you want to start a pro softball team in Philly? Especially if you were already buying the baseball team.”
She smiles. “I like thinking women.” She steeples her fingers. “The women’s professional league is struggling financially. Right, Arizona?”
Unfortunately, that’s a true statement. I nod in agreement. “It is. We’re not sure whether or not the league will remain in business after this season. That’s why we were surprised at the expansion team being created. None of this makes any sense.”
“I understand your trepidation. Know that softball is near and dear to me. My mother played in college. We have a grand plan that ties into our purchase of the Anacondas. The Cougars are beloved. We’re going to turn this town intobotha baseballandsoftball city. It’s going to start with cross-promotion and synergy between the Cougars and Anacondas. We’re going to use the Cougars to help the Anacondas gain a dedicated fanbase. One we hope will eventually become equally devoted. Layton, do you know much about softball?”
He shrugs. “Not really.”
Of course he doesn’t. Dickhead.
“The balls are bigger, right?”