I blow out a breath. “Shit. Why is he being so insecure? I’ve never given him a reason to not trust me.”
“If the situation was reversed, how would you feel? Seeing Layton half-naked with another woman. Seeing him dancing and laughing with her.”
I sigh. “Yeah, I get it. I didn’t see any photographers at our dinner. Can you take a few screenshots of the photos online and send them to me? Maybe screen record the videos.”
“Sure. I’ll do it right now. Give me two minutes.”
After a bit of silence, she sends them over and I’m in shock at what I see. They’re professional shots. The videos too. Iknow immediately that it was arranged beforehand, which means Butch and Michael planned the whole thing. His whole ballroom dancer bit was a gimmick to catch us in provocative photos outside of the beach shots. I’m such an idiot.
“Shit. These look way worse than it was. I swear.”
“I know, babe. There’s probably someone else that needs to hear that.”
“I’ll call him. How are things otherwise?”
“Good. It’s so nice to make money with all these sponsorships. This is the first off-season I don’t have to work a nine-to-five job to pay the bills. I see Kam a lot. We don’t see Bailey much. She’s busy at the Montgomery house. Kam thinks she’s banging Tanner.”
“Yep. She’s convinced of it.”
“Wow. Has Bailey said anything?”
“She’s denying it.”
“What about Ezra?”
“I don’t know. Like I said, we barely see her. He did bring a woman with him when we went out. Apparently, she’s engaged and they’re just old friends, but they were all over each other.”
“What about the guys? It sounds like you’ve seen them.”
“We’ve seen them. We went to Screwballs. That’s where I saw Layton.”
“I’m glad he’s getting out.”
“Some of the skanks at Screwballs are smelling blood in the water with you and Layton. They’re hitting on him and showing him pictures of you and Butch.”
“Yes.” She raises an eyebrow. “How does that make you feel?”
“Of course I’m upset. Who wouldn’t be?”
“So imagine how much worse it is for him to have to seepictures of you and Butch every day. Inverycompromising positions.”
“I get it. I’m calling him now.
“You’ve come back to life over the past few months. Don’t risk anything changing that. Layton loves you and treats you the way you deserve. Marc never loved you like that.”
“I know. You’re right. Thanks. Love you.”
“Love you too.”