I reach down to touch him, but he grabs my wrist. “Later. Let me take care of you.”

He pulls up his pants and walks into my private bathroom, returning a few moments later with a dampened hand towel. Propping me on the desk and spreading my legs, he runs the warm towel through me until I’m thoroughly cleaned, with a tenderness that’s more dangerous for me than anything he’s said or done.

I can’t help but run my fingertips through his stubble. “I fantasized about this very scene.”

He nods as he pulls my dress back down over my legs. “I know. It was in your fourth book.”

“No, that scene was fade to black. I mean minutes before you arrived, I was thinking about it. I wantedyouto throw me over my desk and have your wicked way with me. I’ve never done it, and I was sitting here imagining it when the receptionist buzzed me.”

He pinches his eyebrows together. “You haven’t had office sex before?”

I shake my head. “I haven’t done most of the things I’ve written about.”

“It’s time to change that. You said there are hundreds of tropes. Give me some that might interest you in reality.”

I smile at this fun little game. “Let me think. The professor-student trope is hot as hell.” I channel my inner sex goddess and breathe, “I want to be a naughty student.”

His pupils dilate and he adjusts himself. He’s so sexual.

He croaks out, “What else?”

I bite my lip. “I wouldn’t mind a little primal play.”

“What’s that?”

“It can be kind of broad because it generally means letting go of societal norms, but I mean it more predatory. I want to be hunted. Stalked. Like I said, half the tropes are felonies. It doesn’t mean they can’t be hot as hell.”

His cock is fully straining against his black pants. He takes a few deep breaths before retrieving the bag of food. “I have to feed you. You’ll need your energy for the things I have planned for you this weekend.”

I can’t help but smile as we lay out the food in my sitting area and sit down to enjoy the meal.

I open the boxes and find it’s tacos. My face lights up. “Tacos? You know the way to a woman’s heart.”

He mock flips his hair and in a girly voice, says, “It’s Tuesday. Youhaveto eat tacos on Tuesdays. It’s practically the law.”

I giggle at him referencing a direct line from one of my books. He really did read them. Does it get more perfect than Trey?

“I can’t deny the truth of that statement. Taco Tuesdays should be a national holiday.”

He smiles.

“Tell me more about your sister.”

His smile widens. It’s obvious that they’re close.

“Her name is Diana. She and her wife, Sherrece, own a restaurant. Diana went to culinary school and she’s an amazing chef, but she’s taken a step back since having kids. Sherrece manages the restaurant. She’s originally from New Zealand.”

“Does she speak Kiwi?”

“She does. Her accent is still heavy even though she’s been here for fifteen years.”

“When she says the wordsix, does it sound likesex?”

He chuckles. “It does. How do you know that?”

“I dated a rugby player from New Zealand years ago. It always made me giggle. Tell me more about them.”

“Their kids are Maggie and Leo. They’re amazing. I go up when I can but FaceTime with them a lot. Since you’re ditching me until Saturday, I might head up for a night or two tomorrow.”