“Don’t care.”
His lips take mine. I’m hesitant at first but then give in when his warm lips latch on. This feels bizarrely intimate.
His hands move up my sleep shorts and over my bare hips. I’ve noticed he loves to have his hands on my hips, and I more than enjoy it.
He pulls my top leg over him until I can feel his erection between my legs. He’s always ready to go.
I mumble into his mouth, “What trope are we doing?”
He smiles into my mouth. “The madly in love trope.”
“I don’t think that’s an official book trope.”
He kisses along my jaw and whispers, “It’s ours, baby.”
This guy.
I feel around his body and discover that he’s naked. Naked Trey is the sexiest thing in the world. His body is a dream. He’s every book boyfriend I’ve ever created, rolled into one.
He easily maneuvers my pajamas off until I’m completely naked too. He moves his fingers between my legs. “You have no idea what a turn-on it is for me that you’re always so wet.”
“It’s not just for you. It’s all guys who do it for me.”
He lifts his head in shock, and I giggle. “Sorry, it seemed cliché to sayit’s all you. I can’t imagine I’m the first woman to make you hard.”
“You’re the first woman who incentivized me to put an extra hole in my dick.”
I giggle again. “Fair enough.” I gently run my fingers through his hair as my face turns serious. “No one has ever made me feel as good as you make me feel.”
He nods. “That’s much better.”
We’re about to take things up a notch when my bedroom door opens. Fortunately, we’re covered by the blankets.
I lift my head to see Grammy Jane’s smiling face. “Grammy Jane, what kind of grandmother allows a strange man to slip into her granddaughter’s bed in the middle of the night? I’m appalled.”
She looks around until her eyes find my pajamas on the floor. “You were so appalled that your pajamas fell off?”
I let out a laugh. “No, I blame Trey for that.”
“If that man were in my bed, my pajamas would suddenly fall off too. They almost fell off from one room over.”
Trey grins widely. “You two are so cute together. Merry Christmas to you both.” He reaches over to his bag on the floor and pulls out two small gifts. He hands one to me and one to Grammy Jane.
I whine, “Ugh, Trey, I didn’t bring your gift with me.”
“Waking up to two beautiful ladies is my gift. Open them.”
Mine is a long, rectangular-shaped gift and Grammy Jane’s is a small square one. We both tear at our respective wrapped gifts. I open a velvet box and gasp. It’s a stunning emerald bracelet. “Trey, this is too much.”
“It’s the same color as your eyes. I saw it and immediately thought of you.”
Grammy Jane opens hers and it’s the matching stud earrings. Her face furrows. “Trey, I can’t accept this.”
“They match your eyes too. One day, you can pass them along to Gemma and the set will be reunited. For now, enjoy them.”
Grammy Jane deadpans, “He’s been here for a few hours and he’s already killing me off.”
Trey and I both laugh.