I slowly nod. “It’s a valid point. I can’t argue with the math behind that.”
They then spend the rest of lunch telling me crazy stories, hoping a few land in my books. Apparently, in retirement communities,meeting at the sixteenth holeon golf courses is code for secret hookups.
I love this place.
After lunchwith my favorite troublemakers, Grammy Jane and I head back to her house for a girly afternoon. It’s our Christmas Eve tradition. We get into our matching Christmas-themed pajamas early, watch movies, and eat crap we don’t normally allow ourselves to indulge in.
When the first movie ends and I’m in a chocolate fudge coma, she turns to me. “Are you ready to talk about him?” She crosses her arms in challenge. “If not, we can watchG.I. Jane.”
I roll my eyes. “Oh god, anything but that.” Why the hell does she love that terrible movie?
She giggles, and I sigh. “I’m not sure what’s left to say. Everything between us is good. It’s great. He’s sweet, loving, attentive, and more than outwardly into me. He practically lives to make my fantasies come true. I just can’t go all in while I know he’s lying to me. I’m enjoying him while I can. I imagine he has to go back to New York at some point.”
“Where is he staying?”
I shrug. “I don’t know. He always makes it a point to do things near my place so we never consider staying at his. He must think it’s odd that I’ve never mentioned going to his place, but I don’t want to force anything out of him. I’m still hoping he tells me the truth on his own.”
“Tell me more about him.”
I can’t help the smile that finds my lips. “He’s amazing. He’s thoughtful and kind and treats me like I’m the center of his universe. I’ve never had a man look at me the way Trey DePaul does. The heat we share in the bedroom is like an inferno. I love that he’s close to his sister. His niece and nephew are his happy place like you’re mine.”
She squeezes my hand in gratitude. “Has he met your boys?”
I shake my head. “No. Val and CJ know I’m seeing someone. That’s it. I won’t give them fake information, and obviously they’ll know who he is the second they meet him.”
“Perhaps he has a good reason. All I care about is that you’re happy.”
“He makes me happy. Sublimely happy. I just wish it wasn’t so hard.”
She lovingly rubs my back. “Just remember, life is like a penis.”
I smile, loving that she brings levity to every situation. God knows what’s about to come out of her mouth. “How so?”
“Sometimes it’s up and sometimes it’s down. But it won’t be hard forever.”
“How beautiful. Do you have a pillow with that sewn in?”
“No, but maybe I should get one.”
I wakein the morning to the now familiar feeling of Trey’s arms wrapped around my body from behind. I mindlessly trace the veins in his muscular forearms. I’ve never thought of myself as a forearm woman, but his arms drive me wild. They exude strength and power.
I’m ogling his arms when I look around and it occurs to me that I’m at my grandmother’s house and Trey is in bed with me.What the hell?
I turn around in his arms, which causes him to stir. We’re nose to nose when his eyes blink open and he smiles.
“Umm…what are you doing here?”
He moves my hair out of my face, and, in his sexy morning voice, croaks, “I missed you.”
“I’ve been gone for one day.”
He squeezes my body close to his and kisses my neck. “One day too long.”
“How did you get in?”
“Grammy Jane loves me. We’re besties.”
He starts to move his lips toward mine, but I hold my hand up. “Morning breath.”