“That he wants to fuck me until I can’t walk and then fill me with his come. That he wants my juices leaking all over him. That he can’t wait for me to come on both his tongue and cock.”

His eyes pop open. “Holy shit. That’s some grade-A dirty talk. Maybe I do need to up my game.”

I nod. “His dirty talk is off-the-charts hot. And the sex is even better.”

CJ asks, “Better than that football player you dated our senior year? What was his name?”

Val answers, “Troy, the quarterback. And he drove a cheesy yellow Trans Am. Tell me you’re an eighties high school date rapist without telling me you’re an eighties high school date rapist.”

I burst into laughter. “Oh my god, that’s so funny. And so true. Trans Ams are the official bat signal of pushy guys.”

Val smirks and he nods in agreement while CJ raises his eyebrows. “Well? Answer the question.”

“Yes, it’s way better than Troy. His name is actually Trey. I didn’t even think about the similarity. Trey has a magical dick that also happens to be pierced. He blew my mind.”

Val looks impressed. “Magical dick, huh? You’re not easy to please, so good for Trey.”

I pout. “I’m not hard to please.”

Val scoffs, “Yes, Princess Gemma, you are. And it’s only gotten worse since you started writing because now you create these fake, over-sensationalized men. No real man can ever live up to your fictitious men. That’s why you haven’t dated a single person in six months.”

I contemplate that. Is it true? Am I expecting too much from real-life men due to the perfect men I create?

CJ interrupts my thoughts. “When are we meeting him?”

I scrunch my face. “Not yet. It’s new. We have some…obstacles to overcome.”

“Like what?”

“Nothing I want to discuss. Let’s watch the second half.”

They both eye me skeptically. It’s rare that I keep anything from them, but I want to talk about this with my grandmother when I see her. She’s my voice of reason.




When I get homeafter the game, there’s a big box waiting for me by my front door. I carry it inside and open the intricatelywrapped gift. After sifting through all the tissue paper, I find what appears to be a school uniform, but it’s actually a designer plaid skirt and blouse with amazing thigh-high leather boots to match.

The accompanying note reads,

A smile finds my lips. He’s trying to play into the professor-student trope fantasy I mentioned. He’s so cute.

I look at the labels. They’re all high-end. He must have dropped a ton of money on this outfit. I hate that he did so, but I can’t deny how incredibly sweet and thoughtful he is.

I decide to text him.

Me: Thanks for the beautiful outfit, Professor Trey. It’s a bit much for this shy student.

Trey: I’ve been hard since I picked it out, just thinking of how you’ll look in it.

Me: How hard? Remember, I likeadjectives.

Even better, he sends a picture with the evidence of his arousal. Fuck, he has a great dick. I save it to my phone. I’ll be using this picture in my spank bank for a long while.

Me: You have a book-boyfriend-worthy dick.