He slips his thumbs into the sides of his boxer briefs and slides them down his legs. I audibly gasp as his cock springs free. I suck in a breath in a way I didn’t know was possible because I don’t think I’ve ever been more shocked in my life.
Yes, he has a book-boyfriend-worthy cock, but that’s not the object of my shock. I sort of expected that given his size. It’s the jewelry on the tip of said cock. He’s got a fucking Prince Albert piercing.
“Just like you said you wanted.”
“Wh…wh…when did I tell you that?”
“I heard you on the phone with your friend, telling her that you wanted a man with a pierced cock.”
I point at it. My voice and hand shake as I ask with uncertainty, “And you had one already, right?”
He smirks as he swivels his head from side to side. “Nope. The first night we met, I went and had this done. It’s the first of what promises to be many grand romantic gestures I do for you. Only you.”
“You…you put an extra hole in your dick for me?”
He chuckles. “I did.”
I’m speechless. For the first time in my life, I’m speechless. My mouth moves up and down, but nothing comes out. I think I’m in shock.
He gives his dick three long pumps. It’s so fucking erotic that I don’t know what to do with myself. I’ve never in my life been this turned on. It’s like every nerve ending in me is enhanced.The second he touches any part of my body, there’s a good chance I’ll come.
I point at it and ask the dumbest question I’ve ever asked, “Have you had sex with it yet?”
He rolls his eyes. “No, Gemma. I didn’t get my dick pierced for you only to use it on someone else. The only woman who will ever feel it is you. I assume you’ve been with a man who has a piercing before, right?”
“No,” I shout. “I haven’t! I was messing around with my friend when you eavesdropped. Dick piercings are for book boyfriends. I don’t know any real men with them. It’s a fantasy, not real life.”
His jaw drops and he breathes, “Holy shit.”
I cover my mouth. “Oh my god! I don’t know what to say. I’m overwhelmed. I can’t believe you did this…for me.”
He takes a few long breaths. “Forget about the piercing. It’s done. This is about us. You and me. Tell me that you can’t wait to feel me moving inside your body. That you’ve wanted it for nearly as long as I have.” He places his hand over his heart. “Tell me I’m not alone in feeling this magnetic pull to you.”
I flash back to the second I laid eyes on him. He’s gorgeous. Of course I was attracted to him, but he was my client. He wanted someone else. At least I thought he did.
“Maybe we should stop. You’re my client.” I run my fingers through my hair. “I’m so confused.”
He smirks. “You’re fired. Are you happy now?”
I blow out a long breath. “I feel it, Trey, I do. I’m a little scared right now. You’ve said and done a lot of things. I feel so much pressure.”
“Don’t. Put it all out of your mind and give in to the moment.” He leans over and kisses the corner of my mouth. And then the other corner. And then my neck. It immediately soothes me.
This would actually be a sweet, tender moment if his giant, hard,pierceddick wasn’t bobbing between us.
He grabs my face. “Here’s what’s going to happen. I’m going to finish undressing you so I can properly worship your body. Then I’m going to wrap my lips around your pretty pussy and make you come again. After that, my cock will slide inside you so we can both experience something neither of us have before.”
I…I…I have no words, so I mindlessly nod my head in agreement because…well…that sounds like a damn good plan.
He reaches behind me and expertly unclasps my bra. It falls away. He stares at my breasts as he rubs my nipples with his thumbs. They harden under his intense gaze and touch.
His fingers then brush over the sides of my breasts and down past my waist and hips until he removes my boots, followed by my skirt and panties.
His eyes move down my body as he grabs his now leaking cock. “You’re so fucking beautiful, Gemma. I’ve never seen anything so perfect.”
I feel the same way looking at his body.
His lips meet mine again while he gradually and gently falls on top of me. I wrap my arms and legs around him as our tongues meet and explore each other’s mouths through mutual moans.