“There is no Jenna. I made her up to spend time with you. It’s always been about you.”

His handsome face is a mixture of lust and uncertainty. If I had any use of my legs, I’d walk out. But they’re numb from the intense orgasm he just gave me.

I have mixed emotions over this. What he did in front ofAiden was special. And I certainly can’t deny that I’m attracted to him. But he’s been lying to me. I can’t start up with another liar.

As the feeling comes back to my legs, I try to move away but he holds me in place. I fruitlessly push against his chest. “Trey, let me go.”

“I don’t want to.”

“You lied to me. That’s a trigger for me.”

He doesn’t loosen his hold.

“Trey. Now.”

He begrudgingly releases me, and I push away from him. “I need to go.”

I reach into my purse for my wallet, but he stops me. “I’ve got it.”

“Fine.” I stand while he quickly pulls out his wallet and throws two hundred-dollar bills on the table.

What the fuck? We had two drinks.

I don’t have the mental energy for this. I turn and make my way toward the door with him hot on my heels. “Gemma, stop. Let me explain.”

“Go away, Trey.”

I push through the front doors and out onto the street when he grabs my arm. “No, I will not go away. I’m in love with you.”

That stops me dead in my tracks and I turn back to him. “What? What did you just say?”

He runs his fingers through his hair. The same thick, wavy hair I grabbed onto through my explosive orgasm.

“I…I have insta-love.”

I scoff. “It’s not a medical condition, Trey. It’s a fucking made-up romance novel term. It doesn’t exist in real life.”

“Let me assure you, it does. I saw your drunken video with your friends and my whole fucking life flashed before my eyes. Everything was clear. I want you in my life. I…I love you.”

I shout, “Insta-love doesn’t exist! Most of the romance tropesdon’t exist in real life. Hell, half of them are felonies. It’s all a damn fantasy. It’s not real.”

“That one exists.”

“So you lied to me? All this time, were you just learning things I like so you could get into my pants? Mission accomplished.”

“It’s not about getting into your pants. It’s about getting into your heart. I applied so I could spend time with you and get to know you. It went from infatuation to full-fledged love. You’re perfect. I want you in every single way.”

I stand there dumbfounded. Opening and closing my mouth a few times, I’m left speechless.

I have no words for this insanity. The only thing I can think to do is to walk away, so I do.

My brownstone is nearby. I walk as fast as I can in my high heels though he’s never far behind.

I walk up the steps toward my front door. When I reach it, I turn around with tears in my eyes. “This whole situation is messed up. Leave me alone.”

He puts his face in mine. I can smell his intoxicating Trey breath. The look he gives me is the type I write about, not the type that exists in real life.