Even with her name being called, we don’t break eye contact. She simply breathes, “Trey.” It’s so soft that only I can hear it. She felt everything I did with that kiss. I know it. I’m not alone in this.
“Gemma, are you there? Hellooooo?”
That breaks both of us out of our trances. We turn our heads to see the ex-boyfriend standing there with a nasty snarl on his face. I can’t believe Gemma dated this guy. He’s not nearly good enough for her.
She slides her leg off me until she’s seated upright in our booth again. She starts to move away, but I throw my arm around her and keep her close. Our legs are touching. She looks down at where they meet and bites her lower lip.
She then takes a breath before looking up at him and forcing out a smile. “Aiden, what a surprise. How are you?”
His eyes toggle between us before they land on me. “You look familiar.”
He holds out his hand. “I’m Aiden. And you are?”
I shake his hand back. Hard. “Gemma’s boyfriend. I’ve never heard your name before. Do you two work together?”
Aiden seems taken aback that I haven’t heard of him. I inwardly laugh as I run my fingers down Gemma’s arm. She shivers and her eyes flutter.
Gemma shakes her head. “Aiden and I used to date. It was a long time ago.”
She reaches over with her thumb to wipe her lipstick from my face, which I have no doubt is everywhere given the current condition of her lips.
I grab her wrist to stop her and gently kiss the inside of it. “Don’t wipe it off, baby. I wear your lipstick proudly.”
I make a show of licking all around my lips. “Hmm. Tastes so good. Just like the rest of you.”
Her eyes are hooded with lust as she stares up at me with a flushed face. I bet this is what she looks like when she comes. I ache to see the real thing.
We’re definitely having a moment. At least we are until the shithead clears his throat again. “Gemma, can I talk with you for a moment? Privately.”
Before she can answer, I shake my head. “Nope. When you have a girl like Gemma, you never let her out of your sight. Do you have any idea how many guys want her? Look at her. She’s fucking perfect. I like to keep her close. Anything you have to say to her you can say in front of me.”
He judgmentally looks down at my jeans and T-shirt. “What is it you do, Mr.…”
“Donatucci. You can call me…Mr. Donatucci. I’m a small business owner.”
“What type of small business?”
“The business of making Gemma happy.”
I give him a big, exaggerated smile. Gemma lets out a small giggle.
His face twitches before he returns his attention to Gemma. “I’m serious. Can we talk?”
Gemma sighs. “What about? There’s nothing for us to talk about. Honestly, anything you have to say can be said in front of my boyfriend. We’re on a date, and you’re being rude.”
I give her a squeeze. I’m proud of her for that.
He slowly nods before looking at me again. “Do you know what it is that she does for a living?”
“Of course. She’s a talented lawyer.”
“Are you aware of her…side project?”
“That she’s an equally talented romance author? Hell yes, I am.” I point to myself. “Luckiest guy ever. I love it when she puts me to work on intimate scenes she’s writing. Being her muse is such a high. And her books are amazing.”
He has an unimpressed look on his face.