Page 84 of Devoted Enough

Lily fist-pumped, pointed to her father, and yelled, “You’re going down, old man!”

My hand came up to my mouth as I tried not to laugh.

Tanner rolled his shoulders. “Bring it on, little lady. Bring. It. On. I brought you into this world and, well, you know the rest…”

I watched as they climbed into the sacks and got to the line.

Rose had clearly taken over as she called out, “Each team will go to the end, ring the bell, then come back. The next team will be ready to go.”

“Do we each get a sack to climb into and get ready, or do they have to take off their sack and let the next person get in it?” I asked.

All heads turned to look in my direction as Hunter pointed to me. “Yes! I like that idea better. Makes it harder and should be some good laughs.”

Everyone nodded and started to agree. Brock hit Nate on the back. “I like her. I like her a lot.”

Nate winked at me, and I felt my cheeks heat.

“Okay, listen up for your number and pay attention to who is up before you so you know when to get up to the line!” Rose stated.

Lucky for me, I was last and paired with Nate.

“Last spot,” Sophia said as she looked at me with a concerned expression. “Yikes.”

I instantly panicked. “Why yikes? Why do you say that?”

She shrugged. “I just don’t think I would want to be bringing up the rear. What if the girls are winning and you mess up?”

“Why…why would I mess up?”

Another shrug. “I’m just saying, I wouldn’t want to go last.”

Before I had time to ponder her words, the sack races started. And I had never laughed so hard in my entire life. Lily had started strong, with Tanner running slightly behind. But when it came time to get out of the sack and get Kipton in, who was second and jumping against Blayze, everything that could go wrong did. Lily’s bracelet got stuck in the sack, and in a rapid decision, Rose declared nothing from the previous jumper could be left in or attached to the sack. Sweet Kipton, who on all accounts appeared to be the loveliest of them all, screamed out, “Rip the mother f’er off! Hurry!”

It went on each time. Someone’s leg got stuck, or their hair got stuck. Ty’s watch somehow got stuck in Maverick’s hair, and since it wasn’t stuck to the bag, Rose declared it was okay. I laughed until I almost peed as Maverick jumped down the lane with the watch hitting his eyes with every jump.

My mother and Brock were next. I stood there stunned, hearing my mother screaming for Timberlynn to jump faster as Beck somehow stumbled and fell.

“What are you doing, man?” Brock cried out. “Get your butt up, son, and move!”

“What happened to my mother?” I asked as I stared at my mother. When my mother accidentally bumped into Brock, I heard some of the men screaming for a penalty. Rose waved her hands.

“She stumbled, yet no one said anything when Bryson ran into Avery!”

I soon found myself yelling for my mother to go faster.

“Haven!” Rose cried out. “You’re up next, so get into place.”

I quickly made my way to the starting line. Nate stood next to me.

“Good luck!” I said with a smile.

“Do not wish him luck!” Lily cried out. “He’s the enemy.”

Blinking a few times, I looked from Lily to Nate. He was focused on his uncle Brock hopping toward him. The look on his face nearly had me laughing.

“It’s just a game, Nate.”

He snapped his head to me. Then he smiled. A smile that said he was confident he was going to win this one for the boys.