While my gut reaction at seeing a beautiful woman leaning into my boyfriend was not fun, I quickly talked myself out of feeling jealous with Carlee and Valerie’s help. It’s clear the Dane and the woman knew each other, but there was nothing overtly romantic about their pose.
Sure, Dane had his arm around her, but it reminded me of how guys pose with their buddies. And upon closer inspection, I saw the other guy standing close behind the redhead with a hand resting on her waist. It looked like a boyfriend maneuver.
But even if that guy weren’t there, I’d like to think I wouldn’t let a picture make me so angry or jealous that I’d do something stupid like fight with Dane about it. He’s a grown man. And though it might seem silly, given how I haven’t known him for long, I trust Dane.
How he looks at me and shows me he cares makes me believe in our relationship. I don’t think he’d cheat on me. He doesn’t strike me as that sort of guy.
And after my experience with the hot-headed man currently blocking my path, I’d like to think I’m good at picking up that characteristic these days.
“You don’t know what you’re talking about,” I reply calmly, rolling my shoulders to prepare for whatever this conversation will turn into. “Now, please let me pass. I have work to do.”
Aaron sneers. “Oh, I get it. When I cheat on you, it’s the end. But if I were a star hockey player, you wouldn’t care who sucked my dick. You would’ve given me a second chance without—Hey!”
The next moments happen so quickly that it takes my brain an embarrassingly long time to understand what I’m seeing.
A broad form in a tight white t-shirt steps in front of me. A hand grabs a fistful of Aaron’s shirt and shoves him against the wall.
“What the fuck did you just say?” Dane seethes, hovering threateningly in front of my antagonizing ex.
Aaron’s terrified expression would be amusing in any other situation, but not with an audience. And not at the risk of Dane getting in trouble.
“Dane.” I touch his back. “It’s fine.”
“The hell it is,” he snaps.
Aaron’s eyes widen when Dane leans even closer. “Who the fuck do you think you are to talk toanyonethe way you talk to Morgan?”
Aaron sputters, “I-I knew her before you.”
Dane gives his shirt a shake. “Do you think that gives you a right to harass her?”
Aaron’s hands grab Dane’s wrist. He tries but fails to dislodge Dane’s grip. “It’s not harassment. She and I have a history. I’ll always be in her life.”
My mouth falls open.
He must be joking.
Underneath my fingers, I feel Dane’s body vibrate with anger. “Your history doesn’t mean shit. Morgan and I are together.”
“For now,” Aaron snaps back, anger giving him a burst of idiotic bravery. “But I’ll be here when she realizes you’re nothing but a playboy prick who will replace her with a newer model the moment you’re bored.”
“Don’t talk to her again,” Dane roars, lifting Aaron’s shirt so my ex’s toes barely scrape the floor. “Or I swear I will put you through a goddamn wall.”
Silence follows Dane’s outburst.
I look around and cringe when I see that it’s not because everyone decided to miraculously clear the hall. It's more like everyone is speechless or too nervous even to breathe.
I’ve never seen Dane so angry. He’s a formidable presence even when he’s smiling. With a scowl and vibrating with rage, he’s nothing short of terrifying.
“Dane.” I lick my dry lips and press my palm more firmly against his back. “Let him go.”
“I will as soon as he agrees to leave you alone.”
Aaron scowls, acting far too reckless for someone who’s pinned against a freaking wall. “We work together.”
“No, you don’t.” Dane tightens his grip. “You work for the Ranchers, but you don’t work together. Stop seeking her out. Stop harassing her. If you don’t, there will be trouble. Got it?”
Dane’s behavior should be a turn-off. I’ve never been into the whole macho, alpha male thing. But while I’m mortified to be caught in this situation, it is undeniably sexy to have Dane so worked up on my behalf. He’s stepped up to help me deal with Aaron more than once, and I’ll always be thankful for it.