Kisses trail over my shoulder,rousing me from sleep. Calloused fingers gently push the hair off my back to expose my neck. I moan when teeth nip at the sensitive flesh. I arch my spine.
Dane’s breath warms my skin. “Good morning, gorgeous.”
A smile pulls my lips. I open my eyes and turn on my back. Dane lifts his chest, hovering over me with hands on either side of my head.
“Good morning.” I reach up and push a strand of hair off his forehead. It falls back the moment I lower my hand. “How did you sleep?”
“Like a rock.”
“Good.” I push myself up and kiss his lips quickly before plopping back down on the mattress. I want more, but I need to brush my teeth first.
Dane grins.
God, he’s so handsome.
Last night was the most incredible night of my life. Our sexual chemistry is out of this world. I’ve never experienced anything like it.
I came three times, and I have no doubt Dane would have kept going if I hadn’t pleaded for mercy and insisted we rest before he ravished me again. Dane Larson is a selfless lover. And I’m a very,verylucky girl.
“What are your plans for the day?” His eyes trail over my collarbone, dipping down to stare at the sheet covering mybreasts. I can practically see his internal debate about whether or not to tug the sheet down.
I hope he does.
A night of sleep has renewed my libido. A pleasant ache throbs between my legs, but I’m sure the pain will disappear the moment we start fooling around again.
“No plans. You?”
Please say you want to hang out.
“I actually want to take you somewhere,” he says. “If you’re free.”
I’d rather stay in bed together, but his hopeful expression piques my interest. “Where?”
“It’s a surprise.”
“Hm. Can’t we stay here?” I reach up and run a finger between his muscular pecs. “I promise I’ll make it worth your while.”
Who am I?
This sultry seductress is new to me. But I won’t lie; I kinda love her.
Dane has awoken a part of me that’s lied dormant my entire life, and now that she’s out of her cage, she wants to roam free.
Dane grumbles, clearly conflicted, before he shakes his head firmly. “No. Surprise first. Sex later. Lots and lots of sex.”
I pout. “But I’m so cozy.”
I burrow deeper into my bed.
“Tough shit, Morgie. Come on.” Dane rolls away before I can thwack him with the pillow under my head for using the embarrassing nickname.
He laughs and adds, “Get that fine ass up, Caldwell. We have an appointment to keep.”
“No. Absolutely not.”Morgan stands with her arms crossed, trying to look pissed. She doesn’t know that the way her oversized t-shirt hangs down to mid-thigh, coupled with her high ponytail, overrides the effort and makes her look adorable.