Instead of looking guilty, his smile grows. “Come on. Did you really think I didn’t recognize you from Carter’s party?”
Shock ripples through me, and I suck in a sharp breath. Of all the things I expected him to say, it wasn’tthat.
Get it together, Morgan!
“But we didn’t even talk to each other,” I say on an exhale.
“Not for lack of trying,” he delivers another shocking blow. A new song booms through the speakers. Dane starts to move to the music, still holding my hand. I move with him because it’s less awkward than staying still when I’m practically pressed up against him.
“But Mr. Jones kept me busy most of the day, and you were busy with Abby and Andy,” he continues, naming Carter’s dad and his children. “By the time I had the chance to introduce myself, you’d already left.”
I don’t know what to think.
I try to remember what I was wearing that day. I’m pretty sure it was nothing special—just shorts and a T-shirt. I can’t imagine what would’ve caught Dane Larson’s attention. But I won’t lie… I’m starting to have trouble ignoring the butterflies fluttering in my stomach.
“So you asked Carter about me, and he told you my last name?” I’ve known the professional football player since we were pre-teens, and he likes to act like the fourth older brother I don’t need. I’m already planning a text to chastise him fornottelling me that Dane Larson asked about me at his party.
Dane’s next words get Carter off the hook. “Well… not exactly.”
I wait for him to elaborate. When he doesn’t, I prompt, “What does that mean?”
“I found his sister on social media,” Dane admits with a casual shrug. I’m impressed by his lack of embarrassment. “And I saw you tagged on one of her posts.”
“Social media stalking, Larson?” I shake my head in fake disappointment. “I’ve got to say, it seems beneath you.”
“What can I say? I saw something I liked. You felt worth pursuing.”
Oh, Mylanta…
Did the AC stop working in here? Because I am feelinghot. And bothered.
The crowd around us has grown in size with dancers stepping onto the floor to dance to the popular song. Someone nudges my back, forcing me to abandon the last inch of space between me and Dane.
His breath tickles my ear when he lowers his head, sending a shiver down my spine. “Does it really bother you?”
I’m too distracted by the sensations assaulting my senses to know what he means. “Does what bother me?”
His hand trails down my arm to rest on my waist. I feel the heat of his palm through my dress. “The fact I found out your name online.”
Considering that’s how I arrange most of my dates these days, I say, “No. But I wish you had talked to me in person.”
“Me, too.” He leans back. His eyes meet mine before dipping down to rest on my lips. “I’ve been trying to figure out a way to see you again for another chance to introduce myself. Looks like fate is on my side tonight.”
Oh, he’s good. Almost too good.
There’s no way Dane Larson pined over me, a woman he didn’t know, after just seeing me once. Life is not a romance movie. He’s a professional athlete, attractive, and rich. In no world does he have trouble finding a partner when he wants one.
He’s buttering me up, and I’m only a little embarrassed to admit it’s working.
I haven’t had sex in ages. Ike was the last guy I felt remotely interested in, but not even the suave businessman made it into my bed. I’m not a casual sex kind of girl, and I’ve managed to find something wrong with the guys I’ve seen as of late, ending things before we reach that level in our relationship.
But the way Dane’s eyes devour me tells me he wants me—bad. And I want him just as bad.
This doesn’t have to be a big deal.
I can enjoy a night with a man whose body rivals the marble statues that decorate museums without complicating things. I’m flattered Dane remembered me from Carter’s barbeque. He could be using lines on me, but damn if he doesn’t have me hooked.
I move the hand pressed against his chest up and curl my fingers along the back of his neck.