Page 74 of A Whole New Trick

“The Larson brothers,as I live and breathe.” Kylie’s red curls bounce as she hurries over to meet me and Eli when she spots us step inside the dingy dive bar on the edge of town.

Kylie wraps her arms around me in a quick hug and then quickly releases me to do the same to Eli. “How are you guys?”

“Good.” Eli holds her tight. “It’s good to see you, Kylie”

“You, too.” The redhead beams. Green eyes land on me. “I can’t believe you’re not in Dallas, preparing for the game.”

Eli and I decided on the car ride over not to share details about what brought us to Minnesota. He told Kylie we were here for a family issue, and she didn’t ask anything more. Considering her parents still live across from ours, I wouldn’t be surprised if she already knows Mom is in the hospital. But in case she doesn’t, we won’t bring it up.

“Don’t worry.” Eli slaps a firm hand on my shoulder and squeezes. “Dane is more than ready for tomorrow’s game. Isn’t that right?”

I shrug off his hand and shove him in the chest.

Eli rocks back on his heels with a laugh.

“Yes, I’m ready. But enough about hockey. What’s new with you, Kylie?”

“Oh, you know.” She shrugs. “Nothing much.”

“Still working at your father’s car dealership?”

“Ugh, yes. Don’t remind me.” She grimaces. “I swore to myself I’d do something else with my business degree, but Dad roped me into being his glorified assistant.”

“So why not try something else?” Eli asks.

“I don’t know. Fear, I guess? I don’t want to risk failing and then needing to come back to my parents and ask for help. That would kill me. You know?”

“Yeah.” Eli’s smile is strained. “I do know.”

I want to tell Eli he hasn’t failed anything and that there was nothing wrong in asking me for help when he came to Dallas.

“Holy shit. Dane’s actually here.” A guy I went to school with, I think his name is Josh, appears behind Kylie, disrupting the gloomy cloud hanging over my brother’s head. “I didn’t think you’d show.”

“Well, here I am.” I hold out a hand. “Remind me of your name?”

“James. Good to see you, man.” He shakes my hand and then slides it around Kylie’s waist.

I lift a brow at the possessive display. I’m ready to intervene on Kylie’s behalf, but my friend leans into his side with a happy smile. “James and I are dating.”

I relax. “Cool.”

“For how long?” Eli asks.

“About a year.” James looks down at Kylie, his expression softening.

“That’s great.” Eli hikes a thumb in my direction. “Dane’s seeing someone, too.”

“I heard!” Kylie beams. “She’s your nutritionist, right? That’s what I read online.”

I don't look at what people say about me online. I leave that to my agent and PR team. If they stumble upon anything they think I need to know, they tell me.

I knew the press had learned about my relationship with Morgan after I took her to the gala, but I didn’t realize they’d identified her or her profession.

“She is,” Eli answers for me.

“I’m happy for you.” Kylie’s expression fills with sincerity. “Really. Things seem to be going well for you.”

“Any chance you’ll come and play for Minnesota after you win the Stanley Cup this year?” James asks, noticeably friendlier now that he knows I’m taken and not secretly after his girl. “The team could use a center with your finesse.”