Ezra rested back, also shrugging, finally getting his act together. “No problem.” He scooted the cup with his finger. Away from him.

I snorted, giving him a moment more to compose himself. “No wonder Elder Merrick’s and Elder Jacobs’s eyes went wide.”

“Yes, they were surprised,” Cahal murmured, his eyes still on the cup, like his wife’s. “And before, out of curiosity, I checked the beer bottle and the two coffee cups that day, after you left. There were a few drops left in each one.” His gaze lifted to ours. With very quiet words, he asked point-blank, “Is there anything romantically going on between the two of you?”

Well, today he wasn’t beating around the bush, and beautifully, Ezra and I kept studious expressions on our faces, our heart rates normal. Probably because we had been accused of it so often in the past that we were now used to it. My eyebrows rose, and I pointed at the cup. “You’re asking because you believe in an ancient ritual?”

He rested back in his chair again. “Actually, no, I’m not asking because of that. Although, I do believe in it, even the prophecy, since I’ve seen it occur, the one who drank the last drop not even realizing they were completing the sacrifice.”

“Me, too,” Vivian murmured absently, her hand still over her mouth, her eyes on the cup.

“No, Dad,” Ezra whispered. “There is not, and never has been, anything romantically going on between Lily and me.” Lie. “We’re only friends.” Lie. “But, don’t feel bad, you’re not the first to think otherwise.” Truth.

He said it all without a fluctuating heartbeat or batting an eye.

Cahal’s blank expression didn’t change, his gaze turning to me. He raised one eyebrow. “And your answer would be?”

“The same.” I scrutinized his raised eyebrow as I spoke quietly. It had the same arched shape as Ezra’s. “He and I aren’t involved outside of friendship and business.” Score to the big ol’ liar who didn’t flinch under pressure.

His head cocked, face perfectly expressionless, as he spoke barely above a whisper. “What were you two doing together in the supply closet last night at King Nelson’s party?”

“Arguing,” Ezra stated instantly, earning his father’s gaze, which was convenient since I froze.

“For close to an hour?”


“The argument was about?”

Ezra hesitated, and I said, “A personal issue.”

Cahal’s dark gaze turned steady on me. “Personal?”

“Yes.” I shrugged. “We’re friends, so we tend to have those.”

Instant. “Who was the father of your babies?”

My gaze narrowed. “That is none of your business.”

“Perhaps.” He nodded once. “But how is it the father didn’t know you were pregnant? Any Shifter male knows by scent alone.”

My lips thinned, digging myself deeper. “I was only with him once.”

He hummed, eyes to Ezra. “And you’ve tasted her blood before?”

“If you’re asking if I have bitten her in a sexual act, the answer is no, since I’ve already stated we’ve never been involved,” Ezra growled, his jaw clenched tight. “And I think that’s enough of your inappropriate questions.”

“One more,” he whispered delicately, his eyes steady on his son. “Why were you as heartbroken as Ms Ruckler when she miscarried?”

I stared at his eyebrows, scrutinizing them hard, trying to think of nothing. Of course, his dad had been scenting Ezra’s emotions during that time. He had been right there, watching over his son. He hadn’t been there for me. In retrospect, I should have made him leave.

I heard Ezra’s heart pound erratically for the barest moment, before he got himself under control, stating, “Lily’s my friend. It hurt me to see her hurting.”

Both his parents stared at him.

I cleared my throat, glancing at Ezra with a small smile. “A meal is never just a meal when I’m involved.” I placed my napkin on the table. “I think I’m going to head out so you three can enjoy yourselves.” I did feel bad for ruining their obviously good time together.

Vivian’s hand shot out. “No. Please, don’t.” She tilted her head at Cahal. “He doesn’t know when to quit sometimes.” She motioned at the buffet. “We’ll get some coffee and the four of us will talk,” she eyed her mate, “civilly.”

Ezra’s gaze was steady on mine. “It’s up to you.”

I paused.

My gaze roamed over the almond shape of his green eyes, which could be large and expressive or carefully blank and were hidden behind his thick lashes, then over his dark arched eyebrows, his sharp cheekbones, the complexion of his mocha skin, his strong jaw with its severe angles, and his full, wide red lips, which were parted slightly, his straight white teeth flashing between them. He looked so much like his father. I knew that deep within him he was much the same, so that I could truly respect one, and not the other, wasn’t fair. I inhaled deeply and nodded. “I’ll stay.” And try to not let his father rattle me, and hope my being here wouldn’t ruin his family’s comradeship.

Ezra’s lips quirked, one eyebrow rising. “That’s brave, after an Elder Zeller examination.” His eyes took their own slow perusal of each of my features. “You’re a regular glutton for punishment.”

“Or,” I held up a finger, “I just really want another cup of coffee.”

He chuckled softly. “Or there’s that.”

My lips lifted, actually happy to be staying. “And more banana pudding, since you ate it all.” To spend more time with him.

His scowl was completely fake. “You had the last bite.”

I hummed. “You can have the last one this time, since I’ve completely,” my eyes rolled grandly, “upset your delicate sensibilities.”

His grin was slow, like the sun peeking out behind a cloud to eventually cast its full glory on you. “Finally, you see the error of your ways.”

“Oh, no,” I murmured, eyes caught on the beauty he was gracing me with. “I’m not conceding anything. I’m only informing you of your gentle constitution and the kindness I’m offering.” My own grin fanned my face as slowly as his had when he choked, completely enjoying myself.

Shaking his head, he started chuckling, and gazed at my mouth. “Shall we?” He scooted his chair back. “I’ll get the coffee.”