He stilled above me, his fingers frozen through my hair. The barest whisper. “Alright?”

“Yes, Ezra.” My lips curved little by little with my ravenous gaze roaming his face, finding many locations where I wanted to place my lips. To taste him on a different level. “I want to have sex with you. Lots of it.” My grin increased as the breath rushed out of him, spilling over my cheeks. “Think you can handle that?”

Ezra’s eyes instantly flared with heat. Intense. Potent.

My breath hitched at seeing just how much he had been holding back, his gaze hot enough to make the kindling heat low in my stomach blaze. A growl erupted from deep inside his chest, his predator taking voice. I shivered at the promise there, but I hurriedly stated, “Wait. One other thing.” It was like I pressed pause, his body becoming motionless. Only his eyes scorching mine let me know I needed to hurry the hell up and say what I needed to. “No drinking during sex.”

His eyes widened. “You’re making a mistake there.”

“Mind holds are not appealing to me in the heat of the moment.” My eyes didn’t waver from his, showing him I meant business. “I’m serious. I don’t want it.”

Ezra’s nostrils flared, and his jaw clenched, but he finally nodded. “If it’s a deal-breaker, then fine.” Deliberately moving slowly, he lowered his mouth teasingly, his lips hovering directly over mine. The warmth of his promised embrace was a sensual balm to my fevered ache. “You’ll be missing out though. As will I, since I’ve felt yours before, even if untrained.”

I didn’t know there was such a thing as ‘trained’ and ‘untrained’ where mind holds were concerned, but I didn’t honestly care. I wanted to be cognizant while in the act. Really, I could imagine it now. One minute, we’re getting started; the next minute, I wake up and it was done. Nope, not going there. Smiling gently, I murmured, “Thank you.”

He hummed, his gaze steadfast on my lips.

There was no stopping this time. Nor did I want him to stop.

Ezra lowered his head. His mouth. Onto mine.

The barest of touches, the sweetest of brushes, as he held his lips still.

My heart rate galloped into a wild frenzy, the suspense killing me. My lids lowered.

My power, his power, erupted inside the room. No slow trickling as was normal for a Mystical mating. Too long spent denying each other, we no longer hid our want. The sizzling power was a heady rush of wild animal need and seductive longing darkness, which swirled around us, tickling my hair against my cheeks.

Lush lips curved against mine in a self-assured grin, and then he was tilting his head and his mouth was a gliding heat of decadent pleasure, parting slightly and pressing against mine…as he truly kissed me.

My world caught on fire.

Breath catching, my lips molded to his wide, warm mouth, the pressure and sensation like a hot summer’s night, smoldering and perfectly moist, promising of more. Returning his kiss on a sigh, I threaded my fingers through his hair, which was still damp from the hot tub.

Ezra groaned low, his lips vibrating on mine as he continued his slow assault, tilting his head the other way and nibbling gently on my bottom lip, tugging, only to graze his warm tongue over it before molding his mouth with mine again.

A soft moan that was entirely feminine escaped me, and I felt him chuckle softly as he lightly ran his tongue across the seam of my lips and then tug again on my bottom lip, asking for entrance. I let him, knowing soon my wolf was going to wake, then…his tongue slid across mine, his taste new. Unique. Fucking good as hell.

My wolf growled.

It was a playful noise, but still a warning of sorts.

I felt it. My wolf’s need.

But if I was honest, it was also my need for the Vampire to prove himself.

Ezra froze over me at the sound. Smart man. It still didn’t save him from being flipped onto his back. Laying directly over him, I had a crystal clear view of his startled expression.


Taking a deep breath, I crawled backward until I was sitting on my knees at the edge of the bed. I explained as quickly as I could. I wanted to jump him so damn bad I was trembling, but I was aware that if he didn’t know, he could get hurt, never mind about being freaked out. “I’m a Shifter. Alpha. My wolf doesn’t let a man take me unless he shows he can handle her.” There were times my wolf backed down when I pushed hard enough, so the man could win, but I had a sneaking suspicion my wolf wouldn’t be doing that for him.

“Ezra, I should have told you before, but I thought you knew about Shifters and sex.” His still-wide gaze explained he had not. “The first time with an alpha Shifter woman is always rough.” Until the wolf knew and respected him. I jerked my head at the door, breathing heavily through my mouth as I tried not to scent him. “You’d better run if you’re not into this.”

Instant. “I’ve never run away well.” He licked his lips, his eyes never once traveling to the door, even if they were still wide. “Is this like no holds bars? Or more of a petting?”

He got an instant answer, my wolf very much liking his cockiness, as my wolf’s nails instantly sliced through my fingers. Fuck…that has never happened before.

Ezra froze.

Wolf riding my voice hard, I growled, “Run, Ezra.”

“No,” he whispered, a steady, relaxed grin spreading on his supple lips. He blurred.

My wolf snarled just as his shoulder smashed into my gut, propelling both of us off the bed and into a dresser, knocking it over. My wolf wouldn’t let me do anything but try my hardest, meaning my Shifter strength, so I shoved him off me and his body flew to hit the dresser next to us, bashing into it hard enough he — and it — went crashing to the floor. I rolled, pacing backward, knowing…

He blurred once more.

Barley able to track him, I leapt to the side, diving through the air.

Too damn swift, he flew with me. We collided against the back of the golden chair, the luxurious piece of furniture literally snapping in two pieces under us as we landed on the coffee table, the glass shattering beneath our bodies. I smelled both our blood on the air, but I rolled, kicking Ezra onto the couch. Watching as it tumbled over with his smashing weight, I hopped into a crouch, not hesitating to jump over the glass. Waiting.

I didn’t even see him coming.

Suddenly, I was pinned to the wall, my hands above my head, my wrists caught in his grip…and his teeth at my neck, an unbreakable bite. His fangs weren’t descended, but he was applying enough pressure that my wolf froze at the kill shot.