“On my walk today I got these in case you said yes,” Ezra said softly when I moved around the SUV to stand next to him. He handed me two small velvet boxes. “We can wear them on our thumbs, and no one will know what they are except us.” He placed his hand on my back as we moved toward the front door, guiding me as I opened them. “They’re not diamond, but I think you’ll understand.”

I smiled as I stared down at two plain rings, their bands thick. One was black on the top and on the inside, and the other was black on the outside while the inside was red. I pointed to the red and black one. “This is the one I’ll wear?” He nodded, stopping us at the front door. “They’re perfect.” And really, they were. They would signify who the partner was, but still remain secret to any who looked at the rings, Ezra’s only looking like a normal piece of black jewellery, same as mine.

“There’s an inscription,” he mumbled, his jaw quickly clenching. “It’s the same on both.”

Again, he was breaking my damn heart as his unexpected bashfulness flared. I took his out, tilting it under the bright lighting of a window next to the door. It read: The Beauty Is Found. Okay, so I sniffled a few times. I clutched the ring in my trembling hand, peering up at him. “I love it.” I lifted on tiptoe, kissing his jaw. “Thank you.”

“Promise? I know the rings aren’t what a woman—”

I covered his mouth with my hand, stopping his nervous babbling. “They’re just what I would want. I swear.”

I felt him grin behind my hand, and I lowered it when he leaned down, still grinning like a fiend, to whisper, “Once Elder Farrar wakes up, see if he can spell yours to allow you to shift while wearing it.”

My eyebrows rose. “Excellent idea.” My Queen ring was spelled that way.

He pulled me close, his warmth wrapping around me as he lightly kissed my neck…and bit. “I don’t want you to ever take it off.”

“You know I won’t,” I murmured, tilting my head to kiss his lips softly.

The front door swung open and, startled, Ezra and I pulled our mouths away from each other. There stood a handsome Mage, about our age and wearing a shit-eating grin, staring at us. He wore a white linen shirt and pants, his feet bare. He tilted his head to the side, taking a drag off a joint, and smiled around the smoke as he blew it above our heads, murmuring, “By God, it’s f**king true.” His gaze roamed up and down my frame before returning to Ezra. “Holy shit, the King Vampire is marrying the Queen Shifter.” If possible, his grin only increased. “And I’m going to be the one doing the ceremony.” He chuckled, nodding. “Fuck, yes. I’m loving it,” his eyes swung to Ezra, “and now I understand why Jury said you wanted it quiet and a memory spell done afterward.” And yet, he was still grinning.

Ezra released me for all of a second to give the Mage a manly hug in greeting before his arm circled my waist, pulling me close. “Judge, this is Queen Ruckler.”

I had already guessed as much.

He grinned, his eyes narrowing slightly as they met mine. “I believe she wants to be called Executioner.” Again, his gaze ran up and down me as he took another drag. “Sure you can hold up to the title?”

He had balls. As long as there weren’t a mess full of nudist inside, I decided I kind of liked the man. I held out my hand, lifting my lips in a friendly manner, yet giving them a slightly brutal touch. “I think I can handle it.” He took my offered hand, shaking it firmly. “It’s nice to meet you, Judge.”

“Oh, no. Believe me, this pleasure is all mine.” He opened the door wider when a Vamp, who was only about five feet, nine inches tall blurred to his side, nodding her head while appearing out of breath. “I believe Jury has taken care of your instructions, so it’s safe for you two to enter.”

My lips twitched. “Thank you.”

We stepped inside.

The rings fit our right thumbs perfectly. The grin on my face couldn’t be wiped away for anything, and I was thrilled to see that Ezra was smiling just as goofily as I was, setting aside his loss to be just as blissful as I was for our wedding. We stood in a study remarkably like Antonio’s, the room golden with an added silencing protection spell shimmering on the walls. We had been led down a deserted hall, given white robes to change into, and then brought into this room, no one else in sight except for Judge and Jury. And I was floating on pure joy, even though I had to focus somewhat while being coached by Ezra, since I had never been to a Mystical wedding before, the traditional wedding process slightly varying from a Com’s.

But throughout the entire wedding progression, Judge conducting it and Jury filming it per our earlier request, all I could think was that I was marrying the man I loved. The man my heart and mind chose without an ounce of magic.

We were crazy perfect for each other. Simply, we fit.

“I love you,” I mouthed, love pouring through my veins like an elixir.

Ezra’s eyes crinkled, he was smiling so blindingly, and he mouthed, “I love you, too.”

“I now pronounce you husband and wife,” Judge said quietly. “You may now kiss your bride.”

Ezra hummed softly, “I don’t mind if I do.”

“And I don’t mind if you do,” I whispered.

Ezra surprised me, though, lifting me straight off my feet. I squealed like a girl, wrapping my arms around his neck. Lips hovering in front of mine, his Vampire riding his voice hard, he purred, “Wife.”

A soft moan escaped as his lips found mine, our mouths moving together possessively. Spicy heat transfused my senses as our tongues collided, gliding together sensually in blatant ownership of each other’s mouths, but at the same time, I didn’t even need to have a Vampire’s senses to feel the pure adoration and love pouring off the two of us through our embrace. It practically filled the room, our emotions so potent they made me dizzy. My wolf rode my own voice, albeit a bit breathless when we eventually pulled apart, as I whispered, “Husband.”

Our eyes were glowing fiercely as they met.

We were married.

Filling out all the paperwork was a bit ridiculous. There was a damn form for everything. Cahal had already called, checking to make sure we were alright, but chiefly to complain because Brann and Brenna were starting to get restless in the strange, dark house, wanting to see us before they obeyed their father and laid down for bed. Both Ezra and I were feeling guilty, leaving his dad there as he was to handle them, so Ezra had both Judge and Jury working to finish this up, no time for celebration.