After paying for our one room — lovely — we piled back into the Hummer, and I had to listen to Cahal state, “Those were a lot of IDs and cash, and your evasive skill set is impressive. One would think you’re prepared like someone who has done something wrong.”

I snorted, too tired to be freaked by his comment. “Or, one might think I was preparing to survive.” I paused. “You’ve evidently forgotten who raised me.”

Cahal grunted. “Oh, no. You two are too much alike for me to forget that.”

Ezra grunted, done putting my stash back in its hiding place as I pulled into a parking spot, and mumbled, “By the way, we’re all sharing a room.” Everyone groaned from the back seat, his redirection working perfectly. “And since Lily paid, we’re getting one of the two beds.”

I handed the key to Antonio when everyone got out, instantly stretching from the long drive, and said, “We’ll be up in a minute.” I didn’t need to have a Vampire’s senses to know Ezra was still angry. “It’s room two-three-seven.”

He nodded, patting my shoulder. “Have fun with that.” He knew Ezra was pissed, too.

I snorted and then popped my back, watching as Bonnie and Clyde jumped from the back of the SUV, still appearing in their poodle form, as everyone grabbed their duffle from the back. Ezra had our two over each of his shoulders as he leaned back against the SUV, lighting a cigarette, his eyes steadfast on me. When the others were inside the building, and I could see them through the glass door stepping into an elevator, I whispered quietly, “I’m always going to be prepared, Ezra.”

My gaze met his. “After I asked him to, Antonio worked those IDs up for me before we did the Awakenings. I never planned to run from you or Jack or Pearl. I’m not planning to now, nor will I ever run from you. But I will always be prepared as long as what I am is a death sentence.”

Ezra took a long pull off his cigarette. Silent. Eyes slowly roaming my face, he finally spoke. “What else haven’t you told me?”

My lips pinched. “Ezra, don’t ask this.”

“Tell me.” Simple, quiet words before he took another drag of his cigarette.

I inhaled deeply through my nose, then out calmly through my mouth. “Some of this was done when my mother was alive, some I did when I moved in with Elder Kincaid, and the rest was done when Antonio resurfaced in my life.” I inhaled again, then spoke on the exhale, “I own five different homes all over the world under different names, most of them spelled so other Mysticals can’t find them. I have safety deposit boxes in all five of those locations, containing a variety of visas, all aliases, and cash. I have a highly spelled PO Box in New York where I keep all of my important mail. I’ve strategically placed three trucks throughout the United States in long-term parking garages in case I ever need another vehicle in this country, not counting the ones I have at my other homes. And all of my money is spread in different banking establishments under those aliases, and a few others, worldwide.” I placed my hands in my pockets. “And after saying all that, I promise I’ll never run from you, but if I have to survive, whether you go with me or not, I’m prepared.”

Ezra appeared made of stone, he was so still. “If that’s true, then why haven’t you ever told me any of this?”

“Sometimes, it’s best for the ones you love not to know.” I firmly believed that.

His nostrils flared, and he jerked his head away, and very damn slowly, he stated, “I do understand that reasoning. My dad has taught me many ways to retrieve information from others. Most of the methods cruel.” Again he sucked in a deep breath, his jaw clenched, still speaking as if he was deliberately and carefully choosing each word before voicing it. “But I’m still pissed, so it would be best if you walked away right now before I start yelling at you for keeping this from me.” His eyes flashed bright green, lighting the area where he was staring as his control faltered. “Because it’s f**king me, sweetheart. Me, you kept this information from.” His Vampire growled. “Go.”

I waited one more moment to explain, “Please understand, I didn’t want it to get to the point where only someone as strong as you could keep the information quiet.” Rubbing my face when he didn’t say anything, I turned and walked inside, Bonnie following me, giving him the space he needed. I know it hurt him, but I had been protecting him, so that in the beginning if he was ever questioned, his answers would be simply the truth, any inquiry stopping there…but at the same time — in his mind — it was me deciding that he could be broken for the information. Honestly, I didn’t think he could be broken. He was the type of individual who would kill himself before he would harm someone he loved, but I hadn’t wanted it to get to that point. An easy ‘no’ would be better than torture.

Vivian let me into the room, instantly scanning the hallway behind me. “Where’s Ezra?”

“He’ll be up in a few,” I murmured, slipping past her into the craphole of a room, feeling wrecked for upsetting him.

Vivian slammed the door shut and blurred so she was directly in front of me. “I don’t trust you.” Her fangs bared as she scanned my person. “And if you ever hurt my son—”

A quick finger over her lips shut her up, Antonio and Cahal both silently watching. My wolf growled. I was tired, upset, and very thirsty. And not in the mood for this bullshit. “Think before you threaten me in front of witnesses.” My eyes glowed softly, unable to control it. “And yes, I know. If I ever break your son’s heart, you’ll kill me.” I bowed my head slightly, but didn’t take my eyes off her. “And if I ever do, I’ll give you a fair fight.” Deliberately, I took my finger away from her mouth. “But don’t ever threaten me in front of others.” I lifted my hand, showing her my Ruler’s ring, my smile full of self-condescension. “After all, I am Queen Ruckler now.”

She swallowed, closing her mouth, but damn, what a woman she was as she still looked down her nose at me. “Don’t hurt him.”

I chuckled, moving past her again. “Mrs Zeller, I love your son, and I don’t intentionally hurt those I love.”


I flopped down on the bed next to Antonio where he lay on the edge of the one closest to the door. “Shit does happen.” I peeked at her from under my arm, my eyes still glowing I was so out of sorts. “I don’t know how much Elder Zeller has filled you in, but Ezra was the father of my twins. They died. He and I were both hurt by this. Their death wasn’t intentional.” I placed my arm back over my face, seeing the shock on hers, knowing Cahal hadn’t told her that little tidbit of information. “But, like I said, shit does happen.” Understatement.