Cahal growled a little, also not looking in our direction.

Well, that was enough of that. “Prodigies…remember?”

They both grunted, but eventually did stop their staring contest.

Chapter Eighteen

Fun time was over.

We didn’t talk as we wound our way through the tunnels, Ezra and I both trying to come to grips with what we were about to do even as we dealt with our ecstatic emotions for each other, while Clyde and Bonnie walked close together without touching, as we had originally instructed them, in front of us, uncannily going the way we needed to. People passed us staring oddly at us for a moment since our appearances were altered, but after a glance at the cubs then back to us, their eyes widened and they silently made room.

Minutes later, Ezra and I snuck a glance at each other before exiting the cave. Only love and fear for each other shone in our eyes, so it was a good thing we were taking to heart Cahal’s advice about not looking at each other, since we were having serious issues hiding our emotions right now.

Nostrils flared, and hovering a smidge closer so I could feel his body heat, Ezra whispered, “Be careful out there.”

My gaze flying over his face, I nodded jerkily. “I know how to handle Coms.” My eyes held his steadily. “Make sure you don’t try any rash barbaric shit out there.” Many emotions warred inside me as I watched his lips lift into a soft, loving — and slightly amused — smile at my demand, but my fear for him…God, the fear I felt knowing he would be out there in the chaotic, vengeful shithole the world had become was riding me the hardest, making my hands tremble.

“Seriously, Ezra. No funny business.” Dear Lord, I had tears welling in my eyes. How far I had fallen. Firmly sniffing back that show of girliness, I whispered, “I’d like for you to come back alive and in one piece, you know?”

I heard Cahal and Antonio both sigh in annoyance/exasperation, but they both took a few steps away, turning their backs to us and giving us privacy, and also conveniently blocking anyone outside from seeing our goodbye.

The barest whisper. “Hush.” Ezra gently cupped my face with one hand, and I leaned into the warmth. “I won’t do anything too awful.” His thumb softly caressed back and forth over my lips in a pseudo kiss, even as I growled softly at his comment. He bent, leveling his face with mine. “This is our first time apart in a year.” His chuckle was more of a grunt. “I’ve got to say, I’m not liking it too much already.”

I agreed one hundred percent. “Just be careful, Ezra. Because if you don’t come back, I’ll find a spell to follow you to the afterlife so I can kick your ass.” There. That was more like me.

Even though his eyes expressed how worried he was, he grinned, his teeth gleaming white against the darkness of his beard. “You could try to kick my ass.” When I snorted, he roughly placed his forehead against mine, barely breathing, “Come back to me, alright?”

I nodded, our foreheads rubbing. “Always.”

His lips brushed mine. The gentlest of strokes. “Always.”

Little by little, as if we were unbreakably connected, we stepped back from each other.

My gaze never left his. “It’s time.”

He nodded once, readjusting his duffle over his shoulder, and said firmly, “It’s time.”

Out on the sand Elder Kincaid met me, pulling me aside. “I got you a parting gift.” He held out a narrow black case.

Antonio and his group were near the entrance of the cave. Ezra was standing with Elder Venclaire, just as Pearl and Jack were each standing with Elder Fergus and Elder Nelson, separately, a few feet away, but they were all watching as I opened my gift. As I lifted the lid, the gleam of shiny metal glinted off the sun into my eyes. I squinted as I smiled, pulling out one of the two short swords inside.

“A Cizano,” I murmured, happy that I knew the proper term. I had actually paid attention in my combat classes at King Hall. It was a Shifter short sword, made with metal and bits of silver, magically enchanted to withstand the use of my Shifter strength, unlike the normal swords we practiced with down in the arena. The blade was curved deadly, and the handle was wrapped in black leather, made for my smaller hand. I pulled the other out, and stepped back, rotating my wrists, making them sing in the air. They fit perfectly. “They’re beautiful. Thank you.”

Both of us ignoring the fact that Antonio disappeared from where he was standing, he nodded and said, “Just don’t forget you can rip their heads off with your bare hands.” He rubbed his side. “You’re definitely strong enough.”

I chuckled, pointing one of the swords at him. “I was giving you payback.”

His lips twitched. “I know.”

Antonio reappeared holding that brown leather book in his hands while reading from it.

As that was never a good thing, everyone froze, staring at him. His gaze was avid, eyes darting back and forth, before he flipped the page. He blinked. Snapped the book shut. Sluggishly, his golden gaze found mine. And instantly, my blues eyes were as guarded as his, void of all emotion. He didn’t say anything, and I didn’t ask. It was there in the set of his shoulders. Something nasty — possibly on this trip — was about to transpire for me.

Surrounding me, everyone held their collective breaths, like I was a dead woman walking.

Ezra’s predator growled wildly, his eyes flashing at Antonio. “What do you know?”

“It’s not for me to say,” Antonio murmured, his head dipping to stare at the sand.

“Bullshit!” Ezra stated harshly. “If you know she’s going to encounter trouble in this, take more protection with you!” He brushed off Elder Venclaire’s hand when the Elder tried to quiet him.

Antonio’s chest heaved, and shaking his head slightly, he stated quietly, “She travels the journey alone.” And he turned his back to everyone, rubbing his forehead.

Tense silence ensued at his cryptic words while I tried to regulate my breathing.

“You know what? Fuck your damn rules,” Ezra spewed, frustration and anger — and fear — riding his features, hardening them. “I’m going with her.” He pointed between me and him, starting to stalk my way. “And she’s going with me afterward.”

Taking a calming breath, I placed the swords back in the case, closing it carefully. My hands were shaking the tiniest bit, but I kept it together, not dropping the case as I picked it up. Nor did I drop it when Elder Zeller blurred directly in front of the stalking Ezra. I managed to keep a firm grip on the case when Ezra completely lost it, taking a swing at his dad, who had tried gripping Ezra’s shoulders to keep his son in place.