Ezra stated dryly, “You’re the second person to ask us that within a half-hour, and the answer is still ‘no’.” His head cocked as our eyes met, and we chuckled, then he nodded to Elder Jacobs. “Though, yes, to the second question.”

With drowsy motions, we fist-bumped.

Antonio muttered under his breath something I was sure was uncomplimentary, then asked loudly, “I realize it’s hard for you two to stay focused, but could you try to pay attention to the adult for a moment?”

I glanced at Ezra. “We focus just fine, don’t you think?”

“Definitely.” Another sip of his coffee, his lids drooping lazily. “Except for school.”

I hummed, my eyes blinking slowly. “Or with the brats.”

He rested his head back. “Or the rules.” His eyes shut, a tiny smile playing on his lips.

My eyelids closed. “Unless they’re our own.”

Ezra grunted, sounding half purr.


Tranquil slumber, coaxing and exquisite, was starting to take me under when I heard a masculine voice, sounding incredulous, ask, “Did they just fall asleep?”

My head fell off my hand, and I jolted back on my chair just as Ezra cursed, lurching when his coffee spilt on his leg. I blinked blurrily at Ezra while he yawned, showing his pearly whites and placing his coffee on the table, then I turned my attention to Antonio. Rubbing my eyes, I asked, “Were you saying something?”

“Jesus Christ.” I recognized that voice as the one from a moment ago. Elder Jacobs. He swung a finger at the two of us. “They need to be drug tested before they spar with anyone.”

I lifted my Coke from the table, but realized it was empty and set it down with a sigh. I needed caffeine to stay awake for this. Elder Merrick held his Coke out to me, but I shook my head. “No, thanks.” Who knew how much backwash he left in the thing. I lifted Ezra’s coffee and sipped at it, my nose crinkling. Glancing at him, I muttered, “This shit is awful.”

“It’s black,” Ezra rumbled, settling back again after drying his pants. “It doesn’t have cream and sugar like you prefer.” I took another swill, only handing it to him when he grumbled, “Don’t drink it all.”

I stifled a yawn, watching him drink it, and then glanced where the line was for another Coke. Nope, too lazy right now for that. I sat back, rolling my shoulders and shaking my head a few times, trying to wake up. I lifted my arm to Ezra, mumbling, “Pinch me.”

He did. Kind of.

“Ow, goddamn it!” I shrieked, my eyes flying open as I held my injured arm. “I said pinch, not twist off a chunk of my flesh!” I pinched his easily accessible leg in retaliation, making him shout and glare. Pointing at his quickly receding drink, I whined, “I don’t want to get up and stand in,” my uninjured arm waved vaguely, “that. Give me some more.”

“You just hurt my damn leg,” Ezra griped, still rubbing it. “Now, you want my drink?”

My hand hovered in front of his face, over his cup. “Please.”

“No.” He took another sip, glaring and swatting at my hand.

I paused. “I’m sorry.”


“Your leg.”

“Thank you,” he mumbled, sounding pleased, and handed me his cup.

I groaned, and swigged heavily of his nasty brew. Licking the edges of my mouth, I set the cup down and rested my head on my hand again. My eyes started to close as Ezra’s head tipped back on his chair. “Didn’t help.”

“Nope,” he groaned.

I heard a light snore from him, my own breathing evening out, and again, like a bad habit, I heard a voice mutter, “My God, maybe we should have a full cranial scan run on them while we’re at it.”

My head jerked, and yet again, I lurched, sitting straight on my chair. I squinted foggy eyes across the table. Squinted more, waiting for them to focus. I had…forgotten…about the Elders in my post-sated haze.

Elder Merrick was chuckling silently.

Elder Jacobs was staring at us like we belonged in a mental institution.

Cahal had an elbow on the table, his chin on his hand and a portion of his fingers covering his mouth, as he avidly watched.

Antonio was rubbing his temples, glowering.

“Sorry ‘bout that.” I yawned, rubbing my eyes before shaking Ezra’s leg since he was still snoring, his mouth slightly parted and his face toward the ceiling. “Ezra, wake up. I think they were saying something.”

He groaned softly.

More shaking. “Ezra, wake up.” Hell, I wasn’t awake enough to wake someone else.

“Sweetheart, go back to sleep,” he grumbled. “You wore my ass out.”

I stilled for a moment, coming fully awake, and then slapped his face with a bit too much force, but I needed to wake his ass up before he said anything too damning. He jerked, his green eyes flying wide open, and I muttered, “Stay awake.” I pointed between me and him, glancing to everyone at the table. “He meant we had a fight earlier. Worked out our issues.” I flicked a glance to the next table over — Shifters — who were gawking, since they had seen me slap Ezra. Pointing at a younger individual, I ordered, “I want two coffees. One black, the other with plenty of cream and sugar.” A glance at the beverage area, then back to her. “Cut in line.”

She jumped from her chair, nodding, and scurried off to do as told.

Ezra glanced at me from under hooded lids, rubbing the back of his neck.

I turned from him, staring directly at Antonio. “What were you saying?”

“That I wish for a bullet. To my brain,” he muttered, continuing to rub his temples.

Elder Merrick was wiping tears from his eyes from his silent mirth. “That was f**king extraordinary.” He turned his watering gaze to Cahal and Antonio, and started busting up again as he stared. “I hope like hell I don’t have kids like them.”

“Possibly ADD,” Elder Jacobs stated, sounding thoughtful. He nodded. “It has got to be.”

“Shoot me. Please,” Antonio muttered under his breath.

“What fight earlier?” Cahal probed, his concentrated scrutiny still honed on us.

I blinked, then quickly evaded his question, muttering, “Ezra and I get along, talk to one another. Yet you’re making fun of us, when the four of you just had four separate conversations, and I bet none of you even heard what the others said.” I jerked my head at Ezra. “At least he listens to me, and I listen to him.”