Both Kings sat tranquilly on the chairs, even though their eyes darted between us.

King Venclaire murmured, “The rumor mill said you two were here.”

Wonderful. It had gotten so bad others were keeping tabs on us.

We shrugged like it was nothing special.

“More specifically,” King Kincaid’s eyes were watchful, “You were in here not arguing.”

Another time we shrugged.

King Kincaid scented the air. “Are you two drunk?”

I was pretty sure we stared in barely masked surprise until we shook our heads.

King Venclaire’s gaze went to Ezra’s cigarette, then to our eyes. “Stoned?”

This was actually damn funny, but I kept my mouth shut as we shook our heads.

King Kincaid’s eyebrows furrowed. “What’s going on then?”

King Venclaire’s nostrils flared as he relaxed further on his chair, staying silent.

It wouldn’t be advantageous to our goal of them leaving as quickly as possible if we played ignorant, so I stated honestly, “We had a discussion. Worked out our issues.”

“There may have been a little bloodshed, but,” Ezra ashed, “we got it all figured out.”

How I kept an innocent mien was beyond me, both of us holding their gazes guiltlessly.

King Kincaid sniffed the air, his face clearing as he sighed, and muttered, “Truth.” He smiled. A happy one, which slowly turned malicious. “As ecstatic as we are that there will be no more outbursts from you two, the other Kings and I have decided the both of you need a form of punishment for your recent childish behavior.” Ah, here we go. “Both of you will be working in the day care area.” My jaw clenched, eyes narrowing. Fucking prick. “Not together, mind you. We wouldn’t want you having too much fun.” He stood, placing his hands in his pockets, appearing as pleased as Punch. “So every morning one of you will be helping with the,” he snickered, “precious little ones.”

Ezra and I stayed mute, nodding only once and praying he would walk the f**k away before he came up with any other atrocious form of punishment. He did leave, chuckling as he swept through the tables. Way too cheerful for it to be innocent in nature.

King Venclaire continued sitting where he was, gazing at us.

We stared back, just as mute as him.

A few moments into the silence, he asked Ezra, “Can I have a cigarette?” He smiled, and it was crafty and sinful. “I just came from…talking…with a friend, and I could really use one.”

Ezra and I flinched the barest bit, just the tiniest smidge.

King Venclaire noticed. His smile widened even as his eyes narrowed, and he leaned forward to place his elbows on the table, speaking in the barest whisper, “I hope you two remember what I stated before.” We stiffened, both of us very much remembering his ‘sex talk’ and not wanting to ever hear a repeat of it. “This isn’t the time, nor will it probably ever be, for anyone to find out what happens behind closed doors.” He held our gazes, not moving from his position, nor appearing like he planned to until we gave him some type of confirmation that we weren’t complete idiots.

Ezra’s chest rose, then he growled, “They won’t.”

King Venclaire’s eyes met mine.

My cheeks flamed bright red under his regard. I couldn’t help it; he was my damn biological dad. He had thought we were having sex when we weren’t, and it had been more of an annoyance, but this time we were most definitely having wild monkey sex. Mortification flooded my system, my gaze swinging to my lap where I stared avidly. Nodding jerkily, I mumbled, “I understand.”

To my surprise, he reached across the table and squeezed one of the hands I had fisted on the table, before standing silently and walking away.

Ezra cleared his throat, asking quietly, “First time being caught?” By a parent, he didn’t say aloud. When I nodded, still staring at my lap, trying to collect myself, he chuckled. “I’ll get you some ice-cream.” A pause as he stood. “And maybe a drink?”

“A big one,” I grumbled, rolling my head around on my shoulders. “Of both.”

Flicking his lighter repeatedly as I waited for his return, staring at its flame, my hand shot out across his empty seat. “It’s taken.”

A rumble, deep and gravelly, sounded. “I didn’t think you were paying attention.”

I smiled, flicking the flame again, not removing my hand from the seat. “You smell of your animal, Elder Merrick.”

Elder Jacobs’s merriment was light as it sounded from the front of our table. “Shut down.” He continued snickering. “I bet you thought she would bow down to you.”

Glancing up at them, I saw Elder Merrick bare his teeth at Elder Jacobs, but his eyes found mine quickly. “Ignore the Elemental ass**le. He finally got laid, so he’s in rare spirits.” His hand rested on top of mine where I held the chair, even as Elder Jacobs laughed heartily, not arguing and pretty much proving Elder Merrick’s words true. “Are you sure this seat’s taken?”

His gaze didn’t waver. Yes, he was handsome. Extremely so. But I wasn’t disrespectful enough to give another man Ezra’s seat. “Yes, I’m sure.” My eyes darted to his hand over mine, and back to his eyes, which I would normally find captivating if I wasn’t completely sated. “Do you mind?”

Antonio walked to our table as we continued our silent staring match. Elder Merrick did not answer me, nor did he remove his hand. Antonio pulled out a chair, muttering, “There’s a seat right here, Merrick.”

Elder Merrick leaned down, nostrils flaring as he scented me. “I want this one.”

My lips quirked. Not many ignored Antonio. He had balls, that was for sure. “As I’ve already explained, it’s taken.”

“By whom?” Cahal’s voice startled me from behind, but I didn’t glance away.

“By me,” Ezra stated calmly, also from behind me. He moved around the table and set a double shot of tequila, a beer, another cup of coffee, and a large cup of ice-cream on the table in front of our seats. Ezra leaned a hip against the table, directly next to us, as Elder Merrick’s body blocked his seat, and in the meanwhile, Elder Merrick and I continued our battle of wills. “I believe she’s told you the seat’s taken three times now.” He hooked a boot on the chair Antonio had pulled out and tugged over, making it squeak on the black floor obscenely. “Or possibly, with your old age, you have a problem with your hearing?”