Jack threw open his door. “Damn.” He sighed heavily, waving an agitated arm inside his closet. “I only have half a wardrobe. I hadn’t done my laundry yet.”

Pearl snickered, but she pointed to the mirror. “I don’t think that’ll be a problem.”

Ezra exited his closet, appearing pleased with its contents. “What is it?”

I blinked. “A mirror.”

Pearl laughed hard, shaking her head. “No. It’s an enchanted mirror to supply whatever clothing we can imagine. They’re expensive and rare; only a few top Mages are able to perform the spell.” She walked in front of it, staring at her reflection. “I’m tired, so I’ll pick something for bed.” Her gaze roamed over her reflection while she wore a thoughtful expression.

Nothing happened. “Maybe it’s broken.”

She shook her head. “I’m just deciding on a color.”

Ezra grunted, his voice dry. “Gold?”

Her sigh was heavy. “Fine.”

Standing next to our ginormous bed, I stared in astonishment as a golden nightgown, ankle-length with slits in the legs and spaghetti straps, shimmered to life over her reflection. The clothes Pearl was currently wearing ruined the effect, since you could see her t-shirt under the gown, but it was beautiful nonetheless. After tilting her head to the side, evaluating it, she nodded and the gown materialized to reality against the front of the mirror and hung there.

Pearl lifted it away and tossed it to me, probably since I seemed the most impressed by the magical mirror. My jaw was hanging, I knew, but it was marvellous. It was any woman’s dream mirror, that was for damn sure. The material was soft, satin against my fingertips, and it felt like water as I let it slip through them to the black fur bedding when reality intruded with a glance from Ezra.

He cleared his throat, and then motioned toward the bed. “Jack, Pearl…Lily and I have something to tell you both. You’ll want to sit for this.”

I moved to stand next to Ezra, rubbing against his side in silent comfort.

Jack and Pearl instantly quieted, their expressions turning wary as they scanned our faces, and slowly took seats on the edge of the bed. Pearl lifted the nightgown next to her and started fiddling with it, twisting it around her hands, while Jack leaned forward, placing his forearms on his knees and staring at us avidly.

Jack murmured quietly, “What is it?”

“They look like death,” Pearl mumbled, her golden brows furrowing.

Guess we weren’t hiding it so well. Clearing my throat, I stuck my hand in my pocket and pulled the lipstick out, nervously twirling it through my fingers. I stuttered at first, but managed to state, “We thought it best to do this to save both of you today, and others.” I glanced at Ezra, who nodded. “Antonio put you both under a spell. One that’s still active.”

Jack cocked his head, stating calmly, “I can’t feel one.” He had complete trust in Ezra and me. His faith only made me feel worse.

“You wouldn’t.” Ezra pointed at Jack’s forehead. “You also can’t see the evidence of the spell. You both have a slash of pink lipstick on your forehead.”

Both tilted, glancing in the mirror, their brows puckering in confusion.

Pearl turned her attention back to us, asking slowly, “What kind of spell is it? Why was it needed to save ourselves and others?”

Licking my suddenly dry lips, I whispered, “It made you forget.”

Jack’s entire body stilled. “Forget what?”

Lips thinned, I peered to Ezra for help.

Ezra’s jaw clenched, but his gaze was steady on our best friends. “Your mates died today.”

Both sat motionless. Staring. Obviously searching their memories for the truth of Ezra’s statement, but they wouldn’t find any. The spell had promised that.

“Mates?” Pearl asked softly.

I took a small step forward. “I need to complete the spell, so you’ll remember.”

They flinched and their eyes instantly grew stony.

Shaking my head once, I spoke honestly and gently, “Your time with them, your memories, your experiences — they are not something you want to lose. While the thought of Dominic still tears me apart some days, I wouldn’t want to forget him for anything. Life’s experiences are not to be forgotten. You learn. You grow from them.” My lungs felt like they would seize and my throat was burning, but I held their now hooded gazes. “You need to let me finish the spell.”

In the tense hush, they didn’t respond, only watched. Real panic had entered their eyes.

Ezra stated quietly and steadily, “She’s right. And both of you would be doing a disservice to the two individuals who loved you so much by not remembering them.” He paused as their increasingly frightened gazes met his. “In time, you’ll understand why I’m saying this. Not at first. At first you may hate us for telling you to remember, but eventually you’ll understand.”

Pearl’s chin began quivering, but she straightened her spine. “I won’t hate you. And I understand why you allowed it. If I lost my mate today, I wouldn’t have been able to save lives. I probably would have gotten myself killed.” She nodded stoically, her jaw firming even though her chin still trembled. “Finish the spell.”

Not giving her a chance to back out, I uncorked the lipstick, my hands shaking with the motion as I twisted it, and quickly finished the last slash, completing an ‘X’ on her forehead.

Suddenly, she jolted, sucking in a harsh breath, her golden eyes flying wide…and she screamed, clutching her chest where her mate had once lived inside her Core. “Gideon!” Her head shook rapidly, her golden hair tumbling over her shoulders. “God, no! Gideon!”

Swiftly handing the lipstick to Ezra, I sat on the bed and caught her as she crumpled in racking sobs, her agony ear-piercing, shouting her mate’s name repeatedly. I clutched her close to my chest and held her face to my neck, feeling her heated tears wetting my flesh, and started rocking her as I had done when I had first learned Gideon was dead. Keeping my own tears at bay this time, pushing away my own anguish for her hurt, I became the pillar of a best friend she needed right now. As she beat on my shoulders with flying fists of rage, I let her, holding her only tighter and lending her my strength.

Jack’s face was now buried in his hands, his elbows still on his knees, and he hunched as he fisted his hair. “Ezra?” Evidence of his anguish to come was unmistakable in the catch of his voice.