His lips lifted on one side. “Sorry, I’m a little out of practice detecting if someone’s interested in me.”

I did smile then. “No worries. Let’s just get the rest of the bags and get in the house.”

I felt a swift breeze, and Ezra was suddenly resting a shoulder against the side of the SUV, standing directly next to Lynn. I blinked even as Lynn’s lion growled quietly, startled. And quickly averted my gaze to the bags in the back of the SUV, because all Ezra was wearing was a pair of black soft leather pants. That was it. Well, that and the black knit cap, his brown hair peeking out. Looking f-i-n-e as hell. “Mr Johnson, this is King Zeller.”

Lynn’s growl cut off instantly as I lifted another bag out of the car with my free hand. I watched from the corner of my eye as Lynn studied him. Gradually, he stuck out his hand. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, King Zeller.”

“Pleasure’s all mine, Mr Johnson,” Ezra drawled, pushing off the side of the SUV, and just as slowly extended his hand, shaking Lynn’s. “I understand Queen Ruckler’s named your son the next Prodigy Shifter.”

Again, Lynn’s mouth pinched in dissatisfaction. “Yes.” He took his hand back.

Ezra’s lips twitched. “There are worse things to be.”


Ezra took the bag I had in my hand, hooking it over his shoulder. “Dead, for one.”

Lynn blinked, and then rumbled with a deep chuckle. “Well, yes, that would be worse.”

Ezra’s eyes met mine, darting back and forth, his nostrils flaring, and then his gaze zeroed in on the girl in my arms, who was glancing around with wide eyes. “This is Brenna?” His voice was quiet.

“Yes,” Lynn stated, smiling and lifting a hand to ruffle her orange hair. “Brann’s still in the car, probably mad because his sister has already figured out how to unbuckle her child restraint belt and he hasn’t.”

Ezra’s head cocked. “She’s scared.” His lifted a finger, hovering it right in front of her forehead, and glanced at Lynn. “May I calm her?”

Lynn’s eyebrows came together, and he stared at Ezra’s finger, even taking a step closer to me and Brenna, but finally, he nodded.

Ezra’s eyes flashed and he gently touched Brenna’s head.

She damn near broke my heart when she sighed and grinned greatly. “T’ank you.”

Ezra’s resulting smile was sad. “You’re welcome.” His eyes flashed again, and his finger gently brushed my arm. Instantly, I felt soothing peace — my shoulders relaxing — which lingered even when he took his finger away to point at the SUV, asking Lynn, “May I get Brann?”

Lynn nodded slowly. “That would be fine.”

Ezra nodded once before grabbing a few more bags from the back, then headed around the side of the SUV to open the door.

“Like him, Daddy,” Brenna whispered.

Lynn’s eyes darted to mine, then down to hers. “Yes, he was very kind to you.” His eyes went to my arm, then back to mine. “And you.”

I smiled, saying elusively, “Just because he’s a Vampire, doesn’t mean he’s cruel.”

Lynn blinked. “That wasn’t what I meant.”

I swallowed, glancing at the house and figuring I needed to quit being so defensive. Not everyone thought Ezra and I were together. Lynn had only been stating fact. “Of course not. I’m sorry for assuming.”

“Not a problem.” He grabbed the last bag and shut the door. “But you should know up front, since we will be dealing with each other, I’m not an unkind man. Only a little set in my ways.”

“I understand that,” I murmured, watching Ezra move around the back of the car while he held a scowling Brann in his arms. I nodded toward the curly-haired cutie, saying to Ezra, “He’s big, huh?”

Ezra’s smile was still sad, but it also held amazement as he turned his attention to Lynn. “Are you sure they’re twins?”

Brann pointed a finger at Brenna. “Hate you.” He really was upset about the seatbelt.

Brenna stuck her tongue out at him, but grinned like the devil afterward.

“Yes, they’re twins.” His chest was all puffed. “Brann was born two minutes before Brenna.”

“Well,” Ezra lifted Brann so he was staring him directly in the eye, “I do believe Queen Ruckler is going to have her hands full with you.”

Lord help me, Brann slowly grinned, chuckling quietly.

Ezra watched, then his gaze met mine, one eyebrow leisurely lifting, and snickered.

“I don’t want to hear it,” I muttered, already having seen Brann’s devious antics when his dad wasn’t watching. “All I have to say is…first ever female Prodigy Vampire.”

Ezra grunted, placing Brann back on his hip. “Don’t remind me.” He tilted his head at the house. “Let’s get inside.” I didn’t miss how he maneuvered so he was walking between Lynn and me. He glanced my way. “I need to talk with you once they’re settled.”

My eyebrows puckered. “Alright.” I wasn’t sure what that was about, but his expression was serious. “It shouldn’t take too long to find a bedroom for them.”

Chapter Twenty-Two

It had taken a bit longer to have that talk with Ezra than we had planned, since he had wanted us to leave the house to have it, so it was dark by the time I burrowed Lynn’s SUV. When we had first entered, we had mutually — silently — agreed to sidestep Elder Zeller since he was still standing in front of the window, but this time holding a bottle of whiskey, which was half gone. Lynn hadn’t said anything, but he must have remembered I had told him Cahal had recently lost his mate because all he had done was lower his eyes and follow us upstairs.

It had been Brann and Brenna who had kept us there, running about, exploring the vacated home. You would think little monsters wouldn’t be able to hide in a home that had no furniture and was stripped bare, but together they had somehow managed it. There had been one particularly high point when we had caught them playing with their tiny cars on top of Antonio’s still-slumbering form. Lynn had been, for the most part, horrified, apparently deducing who Antonio was, but Ezra and I had only lifted the kids and gotten them out of the room before Lynn had a complete meltdown.

I was now driving us down the town’s main strip with the plan to pick up dinner for everyone, while Ezra sat silent on the passenger’s seat even though he had wanted to talk. “So,” I finally relented and broke the silence, “what did you want to speak to me about?”