She scoffed a soft sound. “We grew up together. Went to the same school. Knew my whole life he was different. That there was something special about him. He was the shiest, brightest person I’d ever met. He did his best to stay away from me, trying to hide what he was, but I was drawn to him. And soon, there were no secrets between us.”
She hesitated before she continued, “At first, I was terrified to believe him, but I think I’d always known there was a piece of him that wasn’t a part of this place. There was too much of him to be contained by this simple world. Plus, I saw the scars. Held him when he woke up with them.”
My chest clutched, heavy with emotion. Pax placed his hand on my thigh. Warmth streaked through my body.
“He was an artist,” I murmured.
“A brilliant artist. He’d told me he felt compelled to paint. As if he couldn’t keep the images from the places he went while he was asleep contained.”
I guess it’d been the same for me. Why I’d been unable to heed the warnings I’d been given to never speak of it. How I’d shared with my parents, as if the beauty of our sanctuary had to find its way out through me. How I could never keep it from my drawings.
“He was killed?” I hated that I phrased it as a question when I already knew the answer. But I didn’t know a better way to broach the topic.
Hatred and horror surged through the line, and her voice thinned to dismay. “It was hunting him.”
“What was hunting him?” I almost begged it.
“He called it a Ghorl. Stronger than the ones he fought in the night. It wanted him dead.”
Terror fisted in my stomach, and I could feel the apprehension roll through Pax.
There’d been more of them.
“Why?” I asked, scared to give it voice but needing her to give me the confirmation.
“Because he was different from the others. He could do the same work while awake that he could do while asleep, not that I could ever pretend to understand what that really meant. I just knew it made him significant. Special, the way I’d always known he was.”
Oxygen wheezed in and out of my lungs.
“A Valient,” she murmured in awe.
Surprise froze me for a beat before I whispered, “A Valient?”
Her voice dropped. “One with great power gifted by Valeen.”
Gasping, I sat forward. “How do you know this?”
“That new power manifested in him a couple months after he turned thirty-eight. It was just ... there one day. An urge he had to reach out and help people. But as soon as he did, horrible things began to happen. Mugged outside his shop. A drunk driver hitting him in a crosswalk. Attacked at every turn. And he could hear it ... feel that the Ghorl was after him. He sought the knowledge of Valeen, was on his knees both awake and while asleep, seeking an answer. It was whispered upon his soul that he was a Valient—the greatest of Laven and the only ones who possessed the power to extinguish a Ghorl.”
She paused, and I could feel the rush of her pain, her words choked. “He was killed before he was able to destroy the Ghorl. Iwas devastated, but I also couldn’t sit idle in it. Over the years, I’ve researched everything I possibly could. Read books and articles and letters. There was little to be found, but I believe I discovered mention of several others.”
The name of Abigail Watkins spun through my mind.
I didn’t have time to respond before Maria continued, “Each of them were artists. And each met a questionable demise. You must ensure you don’t succumb to the same. Because that’s what you are, isn’t it? A Valient? I felt some of the same in you as I felt in him.”
A knot grew tight in my throat, and I warred with the truth. “Yes. My power appeared about a week ago. A Ghorl is already hunting me.”
Pax twitched, and I could see the aggression roil beneath the ink on his skin as he leaned toward me, his left hand keeping him steady on the steering wheel and the other gripping the headrest of my seat tight.
I could almost see her reticent nod. “I’m so sorry to hear that. But Valeen gave him hope that he could defeat this, and Charles believed his purpose was possibly even greater than he understood. He didn’t have the time to discover it, but you ... I pray that you do. That you find the strength to end this.”
It felt like I had razors in my throat as I swallowed, and I nodded as if she could see. “I’ll fight with everything I have.”
“I’d offer my assistance, but I doubt I am of much use in this.”
“You’ve been more than helpful. You’ve answered many of my questions.”
She’d been a bolster, an encouragement, but she’d also left me fraught with more questions and fears.