“Are you nervous?” Dani asked, concern pinching her delicate brow.
“I feel like I should be prepared but have no idea what to expect.”
Understanding passed through Dani’s expression. “It won’t be easy, but you were created for this.”
Some days, Aria wished she had not been. She had no choice but to come here night after night. No choice but to look in the mirror each morning when she awoke and wonder if she was lost.
Prisoner to a reality that did not exist.
It was then her spirit expanded, though, and an awareness thrummed through her veins and sparked in her soul. She shifted to peer back at the edge of Tearsith.
Pax stepped out of the woods.
So gorgeous that her heart stalled, jolting from its axis and pitching in his direction.
She had to tamp down what she knew was written on her face, the forbidden feelings that he evoked.
Not that he would ever return those feelings anyway.
She took in his face. A carved sculpture of white granite, his eyes that unfathomable gray. Everything about him was razor sharp and deadly, though every interaction she had ever shared with him had been tender and careful.
And she knew then, even if she had been given free will, she still would have chosen this.
To at least have this part of him.
No, she would never know him the way she wanted to. To be awake and run her fingertips along the angles of his face. To feel him whole and real and alive.
To exist with him, night and day.
Her heart could not believe that he would ever turn against her the way tradition taught, but what she thought wouldn’t change the decree.
Dani squeezed her hand tighter as if to give her a warning that it was clear where Aria’s thoughts had gone, and Aria returned her attention to Ellis.
“May your hearts forever keep the hope of your calling,” the old man said. A breeze blew through, lifting the scraggly strands of the Laven’s white hair in a wisping gust. In the distance, he set his compassion and favor on Aria as he said, “May you not lose faith, and may you forever persevere.”
Aria tried to hide the tremble that rolled down her spine when Pax approached her from behind.
His nerves were edged in steel, the man vibrating with disquiet. His aura potent and honed into a blade.
He knew what this day meant, and she knew he wanted to protect her from it.
But there was no protecting her from who she was.
“Are we ready, my dear family?” Ellis’s gaze moved over those gathered below him.
Aria’s pulse sped.
Pax edged closer to her, though he’d yet to say a word.
“Yes.” The agreement rumbled over the flock, and everyone began to stand, pairing off with their Nols.
Most pairs were men and women, although there were several that were two men or two women.
Timothy wound out of the mass. He came straight for Dani and took her hand. “It’s time.”
She nodded. “I’m ready.”