Page 116 of Visions of Darkness

She chewed at her bottom lip and peeked at me when she said it.

Memories of that time slammed into me. When we were young. When we were innocent. When I couldn’t wait to meet with her because she was my safe place. The place I’d go to escape the brutality of my childhood.

When I hadn’t understood anything except for understanding her.

The horrors of fighting in Faydor had almost erased that.

The innocence.

But Aria had never lost hers.

The girl was so fucking good.

“I remember,” I said, the vague memory fluttering at the back of my mind. Close to forgotten, where that time had been stored away. “I remember how you’d run out to hug me the second you saw me and said you were worried you’d never see me again. Only you would think going to Disney World was a punishment.” My voice went soft with the ribbing. A gentle tease. The affection growing far thicker than I ever should let it.

A pink blush kissed her cheeks, and she dipped her gaze before she turned it back on me, the softest smile playing on those lips.

So red they could drive a man to distraction.

“It would have been, had I never seen you again. But now ...” She trailed off as she turned to select a razor before she tossed it into the cart. “Right now, I almost wish that I could. After what happened last night? I wish I could go someplace, go to sleep, and I’d be normal like everyone else. Even if it was only for one night.”

Shame filled her admission, like she should feel an ounce of guilt for wishing it didn’t have to be like this.

“And this is where you’d go ... to a tropical island?” I wanted to ignite the dream. Her fantasy. Because this moment might be the only escape she could get.

“It seems like a good place. The warmth. The sun. The ocean breeze.”

“You’re going to need a bathing suit.”

I did my damned best not to imagine her in it.

She grinned at that. “I guess you’re going to need one, too.”

“Ah, you’d be taking me to this deserted island?” Playfulness ridged the question.

“Why would I want to go anywhere you’re not?” Her voice became a wisp. Severity curled through the connection and grappled to take hold.

I scraped a hand through my stark-white hair to break it up, and I glanced to the side, only to find a woman watching us from the corner of her eye. I didn’t feel any cruelness coming from her. No ill intent. No recognition like she was wondering where she’d seen us before, either.

It was just that uneasy awareness that we were different.

“We should move on,” I mumbled, and Aria peeked in that direction, sensing the woman, too.

But Aria seemed to do that with everyone we passed. Pausing for an undefinable moment. Held in their aura for a flash. Her spirit tangling with theirs for a beat. That power flowing and surging as she was subject to the voices in their heads.

She dipped her head in agreement.

We went to the pharmacy area, where we restocked on bandages and tape and medical supplies before going to the food section to toss in waters and snacks. We rounded up with the backside of the store to hit the clothing.

I was quick to grab a few things for myself before we headed into the women’s section.

“Is it warm where we’re going?” she asked.

“It’s no tropical island, Princess.” I sent her a smirk. She laughed under her breath. Low and throaty and so goddamn sweet.

“Dang, and here I had my hopes up,” she said as she started to hunt through the displays. She grabbed a few tees and bulky sweaters, three pairs of jeans, a pair of tennis shoes and socks, underwear and two bras.

I had to restrain the words from letting loose, tongue watering with the need to offer her my opinion on her selections. Because I was pretty sure black would look so damn good against her pale, milky skin, and I had to beat back my thoughts from spiraling that direction.