Face porcelain, waves of black strewn out around her head, a halo of perfection.
His gaze tracked over her like he could see where she had been burned over the years.
It didn’t matter the burn marks were hidden.
Pax knew they existed.
He could remember every fucking agonized moment of watching her go through the fate he would have given his life to protect her from.
A sigh slipped between her lips.
He wished for a way to hold her burden.
Erase it.
Carry it all.
For hours, he watched her sleep as her body regained strength and her spirit refortified its purpose.
“Pax.” She finally stirred, moaning his name, though this time, her voice was clearer. He could feel her easing toward coherency.
“I’m right here.”
Gray eyes so pale they were almost white blinked open. Eyes that speared through him. Eyes that were carved to the depth of his soul.
He’d known from when he was a boy that his purpose would be to protect her.
He’d also somehow known it would cost him everything.
That his life would be given.
He didn’t know how, but sitting there then, he’d never felt the truth of it so distinctly.
He scooted forward so she would know she wasn’t alone.
“I needed you,” she whispered.
He swallowed around the lump in his throat, the words rough as he confessed, “I heard you.”
He’d always been fearful to ask Ellis if he was alone in this or if others experienced it, too.
“What happened?” He had to fight to keep the fury out of his voice.
Aria blinked like she was trying to process it.
“What is it?” he demanded. “Who hurt you?”
“No one.”
“Then what happened?”
Uncertainty and something that looked too much like fear passed through her features.
“What is it, Aria? You can tell me anything. You know that.”
Hesitancy rolled through her as she slowly sat up. Her words shook when she forced out, “My mother saw my burn from the other night. They readmitted me to the mental facility.”
Rage blazed through him, every nerve in his body frayed with the singe. “I told you that you needed to get away from them.” The words snapped from his mouth. “They will never understand you, Aria.”