Page 133 of An Honored Vow

“I’m excited to go home,rovaa,”I whispered to Riven.

His hard face broke into unbridled joy. His thumb traced my bottom lip. “I’m excited to share it with you,diizra.”

Vrail appeared at my side and placed a hand along the trunk of the tree. “What should we call them?” she whispered. “Every tree needs a name.”

“Baath’weywiin mithir,”I answered.

I turned to the three figures who had appeared as soon as Vrail’s hand touched the wood. Syrra and Hildegard nodded proudly, but I only had eyes for Brenna. She stood in the middle of them with a wide smile across her face and no scars along her eyes. Riven’s hand tensed at my neck, and she bowed her head at him.

Riven bowed back, a tear falling from the corner of his eye and onto my cheek. Brenna laughed, twirling along the grass before breaking out into a full-speed run. I fought the urge to follow her and just settled in the moment, appreciating everything it had taken to get there. We would have as much time as we wanted for visits.My throat caught, realizing the beauty of Vrail’s gift meant that Riven and my family could meet the girl who had saved me so one day I could save them.

Vrail nodded, so engrossed in her own thoughts about the new tree that she hadn’t noticed the three figures running through the meadow.

“I like that name,” she said with a bobbing nod of approval. “The Promise Tree.”