Page 49 of For One Night Only

“So if we wait Label out, we could make another album in, say, December and actuallyearn our damn royalties,” Keeley says. “Fuck, I want to get what we deserve. We’re damn good at making music. This is such bullshit!”

“But we’re not going to record again,” I say quickly.

Riker takes a slow sip of his coffee. “I know we told Gina that, but I don’t think we should rule it out.” His words are casual, measured, and I know what he’s doing: hedging his bets. I love Riker, but I can’t count on him to be a decision-maker. He’ll do what everyone else decides.

“We should only consider it if we all agree that’s something wewant,” Jane says, catching my eye. “I’m interested, but it has to be unanimous.”

I give Jane a grateful glance, and she nods. Even now, she’s still trying her best to take care of all of us, the way she’s done so many times before. My eyes fall to Valerie, desperate to know what she’s thinking.

“I’m still processing the part about my mom stealing from us.” Valerie reddens, tearing her gaze from mine. “It would be great to make something she can’t touch. And I mean, there are songs we never recorded—hell, Caleb and I just worked on another last night. We could surprise the fans with it at the concert, and it could easily be a sneak peek to a new album.”

New album.My palms go damp with sweat, and I have to set down my mug of tea for fear of dropping it. This is happening so fast.

Wade raises a finger to interrupt. “Your contract is still crystal clear that if you express anyintentto record additional music before expiration, it goes to Label. Watch what you say on that stage. Every word matters.”

I shake my head, trying to make sense of what’s happening. These plans are spinning so far out of what we agreed to that I have whiplash. I grab my napkin and ball it into my fist, trying to ground myself.

“Oh my god yes, I can’t wait to hear it!” Keeley says. “Everything the two of you write together is pure gold. Maybe it could even be a lead single.”

I clear my throat. “No. This concert is a one-time thing.” I try to say this with as much certainty as I can, but something twinges in my chest. Because after playing with everyone over the past few weeks, I do miss these people. I miss feeling like a family, and makingourmusic together. There’s something so rewarding about all of it.

The money would have been rewarding too, if we’d gotten our fair share.

I miss writing with Valerie the most, but I have obligations back at home. Still, after this concert, will I really be ready to go back to my own life? To leave her behind for good this time?

I’m not sure. But there’s a twinge of a headache threatening at my temples, no doubt from the tension creeping up my shoulders. Part of me is tempted to pour coffee instead of the tea, but I know that’ll just affect my blood pressure.

Really, I should probably eat, but suddenly my stomach is twisting with anxiety and I can’t imagine taking a single bite of even the driest toast. As much as I would love to make everyone happy and jump on board the Glitter Bats 3 train, I know I can’t do it. Not yet.

Maybe not ever.

“I’m going to go on a run. I need to clear my head,” I say.

“Caleb, wait—” Valerie starts, but I cut her off with a hand, rising out of my seat.

“No, I really can’t talk about this right now. I’m happy we’re almost free of Label and I’m happy to discuss playing ‘Daydreams’ at the concert. But I’m not ready to make any decisions beyond that—even doing this concert was hard enough.”

And then I leave the restaurant before anyone can try to stop me.

Gossip DailyLive Interview: Theo Blake and Ryan Tate


Ryan Tate:Theo! Thank you for taking the time to meet with us today. I know you have a busy schedule. What have you been up to?

Theo Blake:I’m currently filmingFantastical Mystsin Spain.

RT:Isn’t Spain stunning?

TB:Yes! As an actor, you’re always just grateful to keep working. Working in a place like this is such a blessing.

RT:You still have three more months filmingFantastical Mysts. Have you read the book by Reina Johannsen?

TB:Yes, and I was a fan of the book before I even got to the audition stage. I’m actually a huge nerd, if you can believe it. I’m so lucky to be playing Heath Firekiller.

RT:It’s a great role, and we’re all excited to see what you do with it. But let’s talk about your personal life for a minute, if you don’t mind?

TB:[smirks] That’s what you do, isn’t it?