And his fight backstage with Sebastian—the one that went viral—would be their final fight.
It’s no wonder Sebastian took so much heat from the fandom when Jett disappeared. Everyone saw that fight, everyone heard the things they said to each other. The tension was so palpable, even over the internet, that I wouldn’t have been surprised if it’d broken my phone screen. I believe Sebastian when he says he has no ideawhat happened to Jett—especially in light of all I know now, that he’s alive and thriving here in Vermont—but I don’t think it’s a stretch to say that fight was Tyler’s breaking point, the catalyst for all that came next.
I sigh, take a sip of honey nut latte, and click over into my email for a break.
There are a few new things, but only a couple of them look important. The first is a brief note from our editor, just checking in. I dash off a quick reply, telling her everything’s going well and on schedule, how this change of scenery has been just what I needed to really focus on the book.
Back in my inbox, the subject line of the next email down catches my eye:Open Invitation.
I don’t recognize the sender’s name.
To:Alix Morgan ([email protected])
From:Aspen Underwood ([email protected])
Subject:Open Invitation
Hi Alix,
I’m the coordinator for all things entertainment at, and I came across the announcement in Publishers Marketplace for the Sebastian Green memoir you’re working on (I know it’s a bit hush-hush that you’re ghostwriting for him, but publishing is a small world and I’ve got friends at your publishing house).
I’m sure you’ve signed an NDA and can’t spill details related to Sebastian or his story, but I wanted to extend an open invitation—if you come across any juicy bits of news that don’tfall under the NDA, please don’t hesitate to reach out! I read that you covered True North pretty extensively back when you worked atStarslinger Daily, so thought you might have picked up some insider info at some point along the way.
Wanted to be proactive in reaching out—just say the word (and name your price) and we’d love to break any news you think the public might be interested in.
All my best,
Aspen Underwood
I blink, taking in the email on my screen.
Gloss is ahugedeal.
Like… definitely not spam, definitely not a scam. Definitely a household name, thanks to their massive social media presence and their uncanny ability to spill celebrity secrets without spinning outright lies. I absolutely believe they have the resources for me to name my price (??!!), and given their long track record of breaking celebrity news, it’s also not surprising that they’d go out of their way to hunt for potential leads like this. Searching the celebrity memoir section, digging for details about my own résumé as an entertainment journalist—it’s a lot of work.
It’s a lot of work, and they’re willing topay.
Before, the thought of selling Tyler’s story was just some nebulous idea that could solve all my problems. This, though:thisis an open invitation for me to share what I know with a reputable and respected site—and to get paid outrageously for it.
Honestly, I can’t say it isn’t tempting. But I’ve been feeling firmly on the side of keeping his secret ever since our talk…. Deep down, I think I’d regret it if I took Aspen up on her offer.
If my sister isn’t able to get her coworker out of my apartment, though—and if I get evicted over it—
I slam the laptop shut before I do something I can’t undo, then head up to the pastry case for a snack.
“How’s the work going?” Makenna asks after handing off a drink to whoever ordered before me.
“Ugh,” I say, scowling.
She laughs. “Sounds like something only a chocolate croissant can fix.”
“Itdoessound like something only a chocolate croissant can fix,” I agree. “How did you know?”
She pulls one from the case. “Warmed?”
“Isn’t that the only way?”
“You’d be surprised how many people just don’t want to wait,” she says. “Tyler’s one of them. He’ll get it hot one day, then cold the next. And speaking of—”