Alix:Oh, I’m so sorry to hear that—we’ve had it scheduled for months. Your manager, Jason, cleared it with us back in January?
Jett:Jason. [laughs] The guy thinks he owns us. Don’t print that.
Alix:Don’t worry. Not everything you tell me will end up in the article. I’m just recording so I don’t misquote you.
Jett:That’s a relief.
Alix:Okay, I only have a few questions—
Jett:Get me some water, love?
Alix:Excuse me?
Jett:Some water. I need some.
Alix:I—um. Bridget? Could you please go find some bottled water?
Bridget:On it.
Jett:Make it cold. No ice, though. Limes would be great, too. But no wedges—make them sliced.
Alix:I’m sorry, but I don’t think we have any sliced limes. I’m not sure we have any limes at all, actually.
Jett:I’ve been on tour for weeks. My voice is tired. Ineedsome limes.
Alix:And here I was, believing the gossip bloggers who accuse you all of lip-synching everything.
Jett:[laughs] Only River lip-synchs. The rest of us sing live.
Alix:Now we’re getting somewhere. Mind if I ask you some questions while we wait on your water?
Jett:If that means this will be over sooner, go ahead.
Alix:I’m sorry—is there anything else I can do to make you more comfortable?
Jett:Ha. No.
Alix:You seem to hate your job. This part of it, anyway.
Jett:That was on your list of questions, or did you come up with it all by yourself?
[0:08 silence]
Jett:There are parts I like.
Alix:Like the privilege of having people bring you fancy water whenever you want it?
Jett:Even that gets old.
Alix:So whatdoyou like?
[0:15 silence]
Jett:I like that my best friend and I get to tour together.
Alix:I’m guessing you mean River, and not Sebastian.
Jett:Is that supposed to be a joke? [incredulous laugh] Sebastian—of course I mean River.