Only when it starts snowing again—giant puffy flakes that get caught in my hair and Tyler’s—do I realize it ever stopped in the first place.
“I’ve got an idea,” Tyler says, pulling back just far enough to get the words out. “How do you feel about soft pretzels?”
I burst out laughing—it’s that alluring tone, those unexpected words, the straight-faced delivery.
“I feel very, very good about soft pretzels. Right up there with mashed potatoes, if I’m being honest.”
His entire face lights up when he smiles, one more thing that makes me want to stop time and stay inside this moment forever. When he takes my hand in his, we skate back toward the snack bar. I’m cool and collected on the outside, but just under my skin, my thick layers of ice have started to melt.
This, I can’t help but think, is how avalanches start.
True North Snub Leads to Fan Outrage
By Alix Morgan //Starslinger Daily, Staff Writer, Arts & Entertainment
It’s Grammy nominations week! We’re thrilled to see so many talented artists on this year’s shortlists, both established and up-and-coming—but there’s a gaping void this year, with True North absent from every category they’re eligible for. Naturally, the internet is supremely unhappy about it.
This has undoubtedly been a breakout year for boy band True North, with hit after hit taking top spots on every chart out there. Their music videos, too, have even receivedpraise from one of Hollywood’s most decorated directors.
Why, then, have they been unilaterally excluded from this year’s awards?
Fans have already been vocal about their outrage, arguing that the band should have been included in the mix for Album of the Year and Best Music Video at the very least. Some speculate that bad blood between the band’s manager, Jason Saenz-Barlowe, and aninfluential someone in the Recording Academy could have led to the snub.
Whatever the reason, True North is clearly still winning in all other ways—with fans in their corner and numerous hits dominating top-ten lists, it’s safe to say they’re not going away anytime soon.
I wake up in a tangle of sheets, too-bright light streaming in through the windows. There’s a faint buzzing on the bedside table—I peer over the cloudlike comforter just in time to see my phone vibrate itself right onto the floor. The alarm clock reads 11:37.
I rarely sleep past seven thirty these days—can’t even remember the last time I slept through an alarm, especially when I have a ton of work on my plate. I also never forget to close the curtains, but apparently a single (incredible) kiss and the best soft pretzel I’ve ever eaten were enough to turn me into an entirely different person overnight.
By the time I get to my phone, it’s stopped ringing.
No, no, no—
It was a video call from Sebastian. Because of course.
I sit up, rub my eyes. It’s too bright in here.
After a quick once-over in the mirror, I head to the living room and call him back. I grab my notebook as the phone rings, flop down on the couch near the window.
Surprise, surprise: he doesn’t answer.
I groan so loudly Puffin perks up.
“It’s okay, buddy,” I tell him, even though it’s not. Sebastian literallyjustcalled me—but he doesn’t pick up when I call him back two minutes later?
I open my notebook and scan my list of questions. If I ever do get Sebastian on the phone, I have no idea how long I’ll be able tokeephim on the phone, so I go down the list and put asterisks beside the most pressing ones.
At the moment, my list looks like this:
Manager manipulation: When did Sebastian and Jett realize their manager had fed them the exact same promises, the exact same lies?
Sebastian’s solo album: Was Jason his manager then?
TIPSY ELEPHANT FIGHT: Can he tell me more about his argument with Jett?*