Page 74 of The Lodge

It’s all I can do to keep from blurting out thatSebastian Greenis the someone who reached out to River for said “extra-specialtreatment”—but revealing that little detail would most definitely be in violation of the NDA I signed. Not to mention how it has the potential to set off an avalanche of drama between River and Tyler, and I’d rather not get caught up in it.

“Speaking of River,” Tyler says, “I happened to mention your laptop disaster, and—”

From his backpack, he pulls a shiny rose-gold MacBook Air.

It looks brand-new.

“He wants you to have it.”

I look at the laptop, then back to Tyler, then at the laptop again.

“River… bought me a new computer?”

“Apparently, people send him free stuff all the time—perk of being a social media influencer, I guess.” He grins. “He said he had a couple of extras on hand and it’s yours if you want it.”

“Um, yes, I want it.” I’m in a little bit of shock right now. “He doesn’t want anything in return?”

River planted me right next door to Tyler, knowing full well that I’m an entertainment journalist working on Sebastian’s book—and now he’s dropping a brand-new laptop into my life so I can continue working on said book?


“Riv’s got a whole closet full of stuff he’s not sure what to do with,” Tyler says. “You’re actually doinghima favor by taking it.”

“Well, tell him I’m happy to help,” I say, laughing, even though I can’t help but wonder if there’s more to it than that.

More to it than Tyler knows.

“You can tell him yourself when you meet him tomorrow night,” Tyler says, and that’s when it hits me: I’m going to meet River Wu—tomorrow.

I could take or leave his celebrity status, and the fact that all the True North guys are pop culture legends. But the thing that’sgiving me a sudden surge of nerves is that I’m going to be meeting Tyler’s lifelong best friend.

The guy he wouldn’t join the band without—

The guy who helped him disappear—

The guy who invited Tyler’s mortal enemy’s ghostwriter to live in the penthouse next door.

So much for not getting in over my head.

SPOTTED: Sebastian Green in Tuscany!

By Petra James //Starslinger Daily, Staff Writer, Arts & Entertainment

Pop star Sebastian Green was spotted over the weekend boarding his private jet at Teterboro Airport just outside of New York City—and spotted once again after arriving at Villa di Pratello, a secluded resort in Tuscany, via helicopter.

Known for traveling solo on a whim, Green did not appear to have any guests with him for the trip. Perhaps he’s getting away for a writing retreat to work on his new book, or maybe he simply wished to put as much distance as possible between himself and the bad weather predicted for much of the Northeastern region of the United States later this week.

Whatever the reason for the getaway, please enjoy these gorgeous photos—and not just of Sebastian! Tuscany itself looks pretty stunning, too. We can’t help but notice: even at a secluded resort in Italy, Sebastian Green can’t shake the paparazzi… and judging by the way he’s all but posing for the cameras, it looks like he not only doesn’t mind their presence but like he’s basking in the attention.

No complaints here—enjoy our gallery below!


At exactly seven o’clock on Tuesday night, Tyler and I knock on Julie’s door.

Julie and her husband share the top floor over at the main lodge—I can tell it’s going to be enormous by the fact that there’s only a single door leading to what appears to be the entire east wing of the building.

“Tyler—and Alix! Come in!”