Attica knows I draw the line at sharing my romantic life in public—but she has no idea there’s any romantic life to speak of with Ransom.
Ransom’s hands tangled in my hair, his lips on mine, his skin hot beneath—
“That actually makes the timingperfect,” Attica replies, and my thoughts turn to dust. “It would only complicate things if he was still with Gemma—now that he’s not with her, that’s one less obstacle in the way.”
“Maybe what I meant to say is, do you really think a publicity stunt like that is the way to go… at all?” Bre’s set her pencil down entirely now. She doesn’t usually get so involved in discussions like this. “People see through those things.”
Attica waves her off. “People see what they want to see—and we canusethat.”
My stomach twists at the idea, never mind the fact that what they’d be seeing between Ransom and me is actually real. I cling to my father’s words like scripture in moments like these:People will take as much as you give them, Livvie. Be careful to keep some things for yourself.
Our server arrives, a welcome distraction that leads to an even more welcome subject change. Attica and the server get to talking about the small dog someone brought with them to dinner, seated all the way on the opposite side of the rooftop, and Bre jumps on the opportunity to steer things back around to business.
“If Vienna’s free tonight, Liv, would that work for you? You’ve got a somewhat early morning on set”—to her credit, she doesn’t give me the Look to remind me that I absolutely cannot be late again tomorrow—“but if she’s available on short notice, maybe you can head her way right after we’re done here?”
I’ll have to push my plans back with Ransom: his place tonight, plans I’d very much love to keep. I haven’t caught Bre up on the latestwith Ransom, though, so I can’t just come out and say that—telling them about my plans would only add fuel to Attica’s publicity stunt idea.
“Yes, that would work.” Disappointment flutters in my stomach. I know Ransom will understand, and I’m beyond thrilled to get the chance to sit down with Vienna about a new project—but still.
“Perfect,” Bre says, pushing away from the table even though she’s barely made a dent in her food. “I’ll put in a call right now, back in a few!”
Forty minutes later, I’m in the back of Jimmy’s Mercedes, full of spicy tuna roll, truffle fries, and chardonnay, thankful the outfit I chose today will work for an impromptu meeting with Vienna at her secluded bungalow up in the hills.
So, so sorry to do this, but I have to cancel for tonight, I type out to Ransom.Last minute meeting scheduled (WITH VIENNA LAWSON)(!!!!!)… rain check for tomorrow night instead?
He writes back immediately, just a GIF of Vienna Lawson from the Oscars several years back—the look on her face is pure joy, a moment caught just after she found out her friend Jude St. Stephens won Best Costume Design. Not everyone realizes this GIF was from the same year Vienna was snubbed by the Academy. That she could show up amid the controversy and be that happy for her friend, not a trace of envy on her face, makes me respect her all the more.
It’s the perfect reply from Ransom, especially paired with his follow-up text—just an unbroken string of exclamation points, more of them than I care to count.
absolutely, yes, we can take a rain check, he writes back in a new bubble.liv, this is amazing! today was torture, though, wasn’t it?
I grin, even though he can’t see me.100%, I type. Hit send.The best sort, though.
Just thinking about how close we were today, how much longer I could have stayed there, makes me want to cancel my plans and head straight over to his place.
Are we sure I shouldn’t rain check Vienna instead?I write, very much wishing I could be in two places at once.
go do the thing, liv, he writes back.i’ll still be here tomorrow xo
Spotted: Flirty, Fiery Ford
By Zenia DiLitto // Editor in Chief, Pop Culture,
Ohhhhhhh, Spinners—do I have a tasty scoop of gelato just for YOU: Ford Brooks (best known asGirl on the Verge’s Tyler Thatcher) was spotted this afternoon down at Manhattan Beach looking hot and cozy (emphasis on the hot, because heart eyes for dayyyyyyys) with a blonde who’s very much NOT his longtime girlfriend-from-across-the-Atlantic Juliette Wells. I don’t know about you, but I was totally under the impression that Ford and Juliette were in it for the long haul.
Now? We here atDizzyaren’t so sure.
Find, here, THE EVIDENCE.
We submit for your perusal Photograph #1: Gorgeous Not-Juliette, laughing as she takes a bite from Flirty Ford’s soon-to-be-melted double-scoop cone of mint chocolate chip gelato. Also worth noting, Ford’s eyes are crinkled in that totally genuine way that says, “YES, Gorgeous Not-Juliette, I’ll give you absolutely anything you want!” Just try to convince me that isn’t the look of someone falling hard—and *fast*! Really, go ahead and try. I’ll wait.
Next, Photograph #2: Flirty Ford with his arm around Not-Juliette. Now, we fully admit this is a pretty G-rated exhibit of arm draping—no thumb hooked into the back pocket of her quite-short shorts, and I’ve definitely experienced thisvery casual sort of bro hug on numerous occasions from my actual brothers. BUT STILL, do you see the way she’s looking at him? Whether he meant to get her hopes up or not, Not-Juliette 1000% wishes he’d pull her in even closer. Tell me I’m wrong.
Finally, Photograph #3: Flirty Ford morphs into Fiery Ford in an instant—specifically, the exact instant where he realizes he’s being watched and photographed. Would a guy who’s *not* cheating on his girlfriend look *that* upset at being caught out with another girl? Uhhhh… we think not.
It appears Juliette’s time on set with Jonathan Cast up in Iceland is causing trouble in the lovebird nest she and Ford have built together.… You’d better believe we’ll be following this as it unfolds! Until then, we wish you all the mint chocolate gelato your heart desires (and someone who’ll look at you the way Not-Juliette’s looking at Ford)!