“We’ve already had to make some significant adjustments to the schedule, thanks to the, uh… various obstacles… we’ve faced this week,” he goes on.Various obstaclesis a generous way to put it, given our myriad late arrivals, Millie’s acting skills, Ransom’s inability to focus, and the complete halt on production yesterday after Ransom stormed off set. “Wecanrework the episode if you don’t feel comfortable with the more intimate scenes we’ve got coming up today. But that would mean…”
His voice trails off, but I’ve been around long enough I can fillin the blanks. To cut today’s scenes entirely would mean a good bit of rewriting and more scheduling headaches, to say the least. The fact that he’s asking my input at all, that he’s willing to go to great lengths for the sake of my comfort, that he’s willing to face the ire of Bob Renfro and all the other execs for the subsequent budgetary issues and time crunch a change of this magnitude would put on everyone involved—it’s significant.
“I… wow,” I say, genuinely speechless. “Thank you, this is…”Thoughtful. Ludicrous.“It means a lot that you’d even ask. I know how much would be affected, though, and I don’t want to cause any more headaches. Ransom and I are both professionals—I feel confident we can set our personal issues aside and do the scenes as planned.”
I feel confidentis more wishful speaking than actual truth, but even saying the words aloud makes me feel like they could be true.
Bryan’s shoulders melt in relief. “Okay, yes,” he says, tension no longer pulling at the corners of his eyes. “Of course you’re both professionals, Liv—my sincerest apologies if I implied otherwise. Take an extra fifteen and then we’ll proceed as planned.”
He gives a quick little nod and closes the door on his way out.
It’s just another day on set, I tell myself.We’ve done versions of this scene so many times before.
So why do I feel like I’m sixteen all over again, about to do this for the very first time?
Exclusive: Ransom Joel Parts Ways with Team Due to Unresolved Differences
By Gregor Ives // Senior Editor, Books & Film,West Coast Daily
Just as offers started pouring in for Ransom Joel (in the wake ofyesterday’s surprise newsabout his secret romance with costar Liv Latimer)—potentially a major turning point in his career—it appears this is a turning point of a different sort for the former teen heartthrob: we’ve learned, this morning, that Joel has severed all professional ties with longtime manager/father Jonathan Joel and publicist Andrea Moore, effective immediately; the lone member of his team to survive the cut is agent Whitney Heitz at CAA.
In a statement provided by the actor himself, Joel remarks: “I’m grateful for the opportunities and connections that have come my way, but unfortunately, I’ve reached an impasse with my team regarding the future of my career.”
It’s unclear if Joel has replacements lined up for the newly vacated roles, but what is clear is that he will be the deciding voice in finalizing a new team.
“I’ve spent far too long allowing my career—and my life—to shift off course from the vision I have for it,” Joel adds. “I’m eager to surround myself with the sort of smart, supportive minds that are capable of seeing the whole picture of my career, what will be good for it in the long term, and not just the shine of a flashy bottom line.”
If that isn’t bold, I don’t know what is. Bravo, Mr. Joel, on what sounds like an overdue move in the right direction—we here atWest Coast Dailylook forward to following this new era of your career.
I was so wrong.
This isnotjust another day on set. Not by a long shot.
It started the second I cracked open my trailer door—Ransom opened his at the exact same time. We haven’t even made it five steps yet, and I already know this will go down as one of my most awkward days on setever.
He gives me a courteous nod, along with a polite but tight-lipped smile that doesn’t reach his eyes. “Hello,” he says.
It’s like he’s acknowledging a door-to-door salesman without wanting to encourage them to actuallystayon his doorstep. Really, really great way to start off when you’re about to climb in bed with someone to convince millions of viewers you’re in love.
“Hi,” I reply, every bit as awkwardly.
We walk toward the soundstage, too much space between us. I’m aware of every single inch, and all too aware of howlittlespace there will be as soon as we start shooting. Did Bryan give Ransom the chance to opt out of this? Surely he must have.
I hold my head high as we walk on set, together but not quitetogether. It’s as silent as I’ve ever heard it before a shoot, all eyes on us. I smile, do my best to project confidence and ease. Evy the intern busies herself with the pillows on the bed, fluffing them with more effort than necessary. We’ll be shooting a cozy morning scene before moving on tothe more intimate one; that one will have a closed set, with only the most essential crew present.
In the shadows just off to the side of the brightly lit set, we wait for Bryan to finish up a conversation with the director of photography.
“Have you seen any of the headlines this morning?” Ransom asks, his voice quiet.
I can only imagine what they’re saying about us today, especially after Gemma’s viral video—I can’t afford to think about it or else I’ll never get through our scenes. “I’ve done my best to avoid them.”
“Excuse me, sorry,” someone says, as they squeeze past us to adjust one of the lights. Ransom shifts to make way, his hand brushing mine in the process—a spark in the darkness.Stop it, I tell my traitorous body.
“Did Bryan talk to you?” Ransom asks, after another moment of silence.