“Thalia,” Riley said quietly. “Please let me come with you.”
Thalia pulled her out of the cabin while the two men rested. “Calliope will hunt you down and everyone will be in danger.”
“No,” Thalia said. “What really happened to James?”
“I made a mistake. James paid for it. I’m so sorry.”
“But Calliope doesn’t know you’re helping me, does she?”
“If she did, would you take me?”
“Just answer the question.”
Riley shook her head. “No.”
“Listen to me—if you leave, everyone you love in Havenwood will pay the price. Do you want that?”
What about me? What about the price I’m paying?
Instead, Riley shook her head again.
Satisfied, Thalia nodded. “Who’s next?”
“I’ll let you know when.”
“Calliope has sentries. It’s getting harder.”
“You’re smart,” Thalia said. “You’ll figure it out. I’ll be back for Cal next summer, but I’ll come earlier if possible, the first time the trail is safe enough. You’re going to have to run back.”
No thank-you, no goodbye, no hug.
Just run.
Riley ran as fast as she dared down the trail, then circled around the valley to the southern edge, where the lake pooled. It was deep now because of the melted snow. She wanted to jump in and disappear...
But she had a job to do. Cal was next. She had to make sure he didn’t do anything to get in trouble, or it would be harder to get him out.
She headed back to their village when she heard the rooster crow. She was late.
She ran, then someone grabbed her when she reached the edge of the barn. She almost screamed, but hands clamped down over her mouth.
This was it. She was going to be punished. She would be sent to the pit for weeks...months...
“Riley,” a familiar voice whispered.
Cal?She turned around and he dropped his hands.
“It’s you,” he said with awe.
“You can’t tell. Please.” Her voice cracked and she was near panic. She didn’t want to be punished. She didn’t want anyone at Havenwood to suffer because of her actions.
There was a voice near her house, then another. Suddenly, Cal pushed her against the barn and kissed her. It was sudden and surprised her so much she couldn’t have pushed him away if she wanted. The kiss continued, and at first she wanted to scream,No, you’re my best friend!But then she remembered all the fun they had, laughing, how when Cal was twelve and she was ten they made pies with her grandma. When Cal let her cry on his shoulder after she was forced to shoot her horse. How he always seemed to be there when she needed someone to just...sit with.
“What is going on?” a male voice said and Riley jumped.