Page 54 of See How They Hide

“It would have been better to find out what he knew specifically, before sharing any information he didn’t have.”

Kara ignored her comment and instead asked, “Have you ever heard of Havenwood?”


“Do you think it’s a place? A town?”

Ryder said, “I’m running it.”

Of course he was.

“Ryder,” Catherine said, “set up a call with AD Montero as soon as possible.”

“Who’s that?” Kara asked.

“Tonight, if he can do it, or first thing in the morning. A call is fine, but face-to-face is best.”

“Yes, ma’am,” Ryder said.

Kara waited. Waited. “And?” Kara said, growing increasingly irritated. “Who’s AD Montero?”

“Dean Montero is the assistant director of Quantico,” Catherine explained with another sigh. “He’s an expert on cults in the US. He’ll be an invaluable resource if Havenwood is a commune. He could already know something about it.”

Why did everything have to be so difficult with Catherine? No one else on the team made Kara feel inferior. They were ateam, a unit, working together toward a common goal. In fact, Catherine treated Sloane with more respect than she did Kara, and Sloane was a rookie.

Originally, Kara thought it was because Catherine was highly educated, a forensic psychiatrist with years of college and experience, and Kara entered the police academy out of high school. Kara had street smarts, not book smarts. But over the last year, Kara realized that while her initial instincts were partly right, mostly it was about Matt: Catherine didn’t approve of their relationship. She pulled the “I’ve been Matt’s friend for fifteen years” card and didn’t think Kara was good enough. And though she had toned down her animosity after the lecture she’d given Kara last summer, her silent disapproval was deafening.

Michael came back in the room. “Where’s Andrew?” Kara asked.

“He was sick in the bathroom. A deputy will escort him back here in a few minutes.”

“Catherine is calling in a cult expert.”

“Dean Montero? I’d like to be in on that call.”

“Hear that Catherine?” Kara said. “So would I.”

Silence, but Kara knew Catherine was fuming. Good. She should have suggested it. She was the shrink, but Kara and Michael were in the field and they needed to be privy to all information. The insight could be helpful.

They heard running down the hall, a shout for a medic. Michael and Kara ran from the room and toward the commotion. Michael said, “I’m a certified EMT, what happened?”

“Mr. Gardner cut himself.”

Michael pushed through; Kara watched from behind him. Andrew Gardner lay on the tile floor, deep cuts in both forearms, from his wrist up almost to the inside of his elbow. Two cops were kneeling next to him trying to put pressure on the wounds. He bled profusely and was trying to fight them, but grew weak from loss of blood.

Michael shouted, “Towels, shirts, whatever you have. Get pressure on the wounds. Ambulance ETA?”

“Ten minutes.”

Michael grabbed everything the deputies shoved at him and wrapped Andrew’s arms tightly. “Everyone out except you—” he pointed to the deputy holding Andrew’s other arm “—and my partner.”

Kara stepped inside the door as the other officers went into the hall.

“Hold on, Andrew,” Michael ordered. “Stay with me. You don’t want to do this.”

“Let me go,” Andrew said, his voice weak. “Let me die.”

“No,” Michael said firmly. “Not on my watch.”