Page 51 of See How They Hide

“She wanted to run. Guilt?”

“Fear. Deep fear.”

“I didn’t notice,” Michael said. “I was more concerned about whether one or both of them had a weapon.”

“Andrew grabbed her so she couldn’t run. I’m wondering if when she saw me the other day in Ashland her running was also out of fear. I didn’t get as good a look at her face then.”

“Most people who run from the cops have something to hide,” Michael said.

“Maybe, but...” Kara couldn’t quite articulate what she had thought when Riley first recognized her. “She was scared of us, or maybe authority in general. It was deep, not fleeting.” She shrugged, wishing she had the words to explain. “Anyway, I don’t think Andrew Gardner planned to run. He was surprised to see us, but quickly admitted he was the anonymous caller.”

Michael said, “When he finds out his boyfriend is dead he’s going to be a mess.”

“We can’t let him walk away,” Kara said.

“No one thinks he’s guilty. He was more than a hundred miles away when Smith was leaving work.”

“Technically, we know at least three people are involved,” Kara said, “so we can hold him on obstruction of justice, at least overnight.”

Michael frowned, so Kara continued, “Look, I don’t think he’s involved either. His reaction is justifiable and his concern authentic. But we could use his actions to hold him if we need to—he potentially contaminated a crime scene.”

“That’s weak.”

She shrugged. “Maybe, but they have answers, and we need them to talk. Consider that as soon as Riley heard about Jane’s murder, she hopped on a plane from France to Oregon but didn’t talk to the police. Then she shows up here, where another friend of hers has been murdered. Maybe she’s investigating on her own, intending to take justice into her own hands—I don’t know. But she came here, with Andrew, a step ahead of us.”

“She could be involved,” Michael said.

“Do you honestly believe that?” Kara didn’t, but maybe she should consider it, based on Riley’s actions. Still, she didn’t get the homicidal vibe from her.

“We won’t know until we start asking questions.”

“I don’t think she’s going to talk unless we have more information to use with her,” Kara said. “Whether she’s scared of us, or just doesn’t like cops, or a criminal, I don’t know. If we can get information out of Andrew, then we can use that with Riley.”

Michael agreed. “Take the lead. And put the earpiece in.”

Kara sighed, but did as Michael instructed. He carefully pinned the mic on her shirt.

She turned it on. “Testing, testing, one-two-three-four.”

“You’re coming through loud and clear,” Ryder said. “We have the video feed working in Pierce’s interrogation room.”

“Switch over to Andrew Gardner’s room. We’re talking to him first.”

Catherine’s voice came through her ear. “Why?”

Kara really hated explaining herself, especially to Catherine. She and Michael were lead, and they should be free to do what they knew was best without some shrink second-guessing them.

But, she put a smile in her voice and said, “Once he finds out that the love of his life has been murdered, he’ll tell us everything he knows. Riley isn’t going to talk until we can tell her something she doesn’t think we know.”

“Based on what?”

“My gut.”

She heard Catherine sigh and Kara rolled her eyes.

“All right,” Catherine said, “Ryder has the video on in Mr. Gardner’s room. I can see him. He looks upset, but he could be involved, so be careful how you approach him with questions. I’ll give you direction.”

“I’m looking forward to it,” Kara said with barely veiled sarcasm.