“Evan is right,” Riley said. She walked over to a bench and climbed on it so she could be heard. It also made her a damn target. “Calliope ordered the deaths of people we all loved. I left here nearly four years ago with Jane. Two weeks ago, Calliope killed her. She used Evan—” her voice cracked, but she didn’t look at him “—but it was her decision. Calliope told you that Thalia killed Robert, my father. Thalia didn’t kill him. Robert left of his own free will. He was living in Virginia until Calliope had him killed two weeks ago.”
“He stole from us!” Calliope said. “What is the punishment for thievery?” she asked the assembled group.
No one responded, though there was some whispering among the people.
“Don’t make this any more difficult than it needs to be,” Dean said as he slowly approached Calliope. “Evan,” he said, “put the gun down.”
“No,” Evan said. “She can’t get away with this.”
“She won’t,” Dean said. “Everyone, stay where you are, hands where we can see them. No one needs to get hurt.”
His voice was calm, clear, in control.
“I’m not leaving,” Calliope screamed. “You can’t take me!”
She sounded panicked. Gone was her control, her confidence. Fear etched her face.
A gunshot rang out. Calliope fell to the ground, blood spreading across her chest.
Evan dropped the gun he held and fell to his knees. “I’m sorry, Riley. I’m so, so sorry.”
Kara sat on the couch in Athena’s old house and drank a full bottle of water that Michael handed her. She was exhausted—physically, emotionally. Matt was in the adjoining room being checked over by a SWAT medic.
Ryder sat in the corner looking relaxed for the first time in days. He had been working communications for the last several hours, but was taking a much-needed break. She was glad he was here now.
Michael sat across from her. “It’s over,” he said, drinking his own water.
For them, but not for Riley and the others. Evan had been taken into custody and would be on suicide watch for the time being. Dean and Sloane were coordinating interviews with all Havenwood residents with the assistance of Denver FBI. They were using the barn to do it, after clearing all food and drink from the area. They still didn’t know if Evan was lying that Calliope had poisoned their tea, but Kara thought not.
The woman had been half senseless with fear. She would rather have killed everyone she knew than leave Havenwood. Would she have killed herself, as well?
Riley was assisting Dean with the interviews, because no one would talk to the FBI without her present. They could have asked for lawyers, but no one did, even after being read their rights. It was odd, and something Kara would be thinking about for a long time. But it seemed most of the people in Havenwood were thrilled that Riley was alive. It would take days, maybe longer, to sift through everything here in Havenwood.
But Kara wanted to go home.
Matt came out of the room and the SWAT medic left. He had a bandage around his left wrist and the cuts on his face had been cleaned and taped. He looked as tired as she felt.
Michael handed him a water bottle, and Matt took it and sat on the couch next to Kara. He kissed her.
“Promise, I won’t do it again in front of Michael, but I had to.”
She kissed him back. “Ditto.”
At that moment Catherine walked in. Great, Kara thought. She’d probably write them up for inappropriate display of affection while on duty.
Matt put his arm around Kara, as if sensing her thoughts, and pulled her to him.
“How are the interviews going?” he asked.
“It’s a process,” Catherine said. “Riley is doing surprisingly well. She’s stronger than I thought.”
Kara nodded. She knew there was a spine of steel under the fear. She was glad she was right.
Catherine sat on a chair. “Dean, Sloane, myself, and a couple Denver agents are going to stay here overnight to finish the interviews and search. The searches may take a few days longer because of the unmarked graveyard on the far south end of the property. Riley will lead us to it in the morning. There’s a lot to sort through. It’s going to take time.”