In the distance, the city hummed, faint voices drifting upwards, air whooshing as vehicles sped past, dogs barking, birds cawing.
Bodies pressed together, he twined his fingers through hers. There was a stillness about him she hadn’t felt before. Shesensed he was perfectly happy being here with her, and yet his mind was in different places at once: perhaps quietly working over complicated problems or shielding her from unfathomable Kordolian things.
She found that peculiar combination of darkness and contentedness impossible to resist.
With her, he was sweet, open, and patient, but he couldn’t hide who he was or where he’d come from.
And she’d caught the crest of a change so monumental she had no choice but to let it sweep her away.
Perhaps that’s what she’d sensed in her subconscious when she’d accepted the invitation from the Kordolians.
“You’re the most extraordinary visitor I’ve ever had,” she murmured, entranced by how the waning light of the long summer day illuminated his elegant features.
She wanted to kiss him, but she didn’t dare yet because once she did, it would all be over.
She’d have no choice but to surrender to the inevitable.
As it was, Bea had barely been able to keep herself in check throughout dinner. She’d caught herself ogling him a few times—as had he, though he hadn’t seemed to mind at all, responding with a sly, subtle smile each time.
“This is the first time I’ve ever set foot inside a human’s home,” Mavrel replied, his low, smooth voice sending a ripple down her spine. “Suffice to say, I’ve never felt so welcomed and catered for. This kind of feeling, of being content in a small space… I never could have imagined such a thing existed.”
Bea remembered the Kordolian Fleet Station—how intimidating and efficient and militarily utilitarian it all was. She’d been a little apprehensive about how he’d perceive her humble little apartment. “This is what home feels like to me. I hope you’ll see it as an extension of your home now, too.”
He leaned in, his voice dropping to a dangerous growl. “I could honestly disappear from my duties and hide here. I would happily shirk all my responsibilities and ensconce myself here with you for an entire season. I can arrange remote deliveries of all supplies. I would devise a thousand ways to pleasure you. I’d make you want for nothing, leaving no doubt whatsoever in your mind that you aremine.”
Suddenly, the atmosphere changed, and the tension that had been building between them for the entire evening threatened to burst forth.
Bea knew he was putty in her hands right now. She could entice him to her bed and he’d be helpless to do anything but follow.
He was so eager to please her, too.
What a fucking wet dream he was.
Exhilaration coursed through her. Her instincts had been right, but not even in her wildest dreams could she have imagined he’d turn out to bethisgood.
But… there was something she’d been wanting to do from the start, and this feeling between them now…
She wanted to capture it before it disappeared, for she knew this wouldn’t last—the newness, the excitement, the thrill of discovery and uncertainty. Over time, it would deepen and solidify into something different, somethingmore.
She wanted to savor it all.
“You’d better come inside now,” she whispered, her voice hoarse. “There’s something I want to do with you… if you’ll allow it.”
“Anything,” he replied, following her lead as she took him through the sliding doors and back into her apartment.
“Don’t you want to know what it is?”
“Not until you show me. I normally don’t enjoy dealing with the unknown, but when it’s you, I find I want to be surprised all the time because all of your surprises are good.”
“You give me too much credit. I’m sure there will be mundane or even annoying things about me from time to time.”
“I doubt it. I’m too far gone.” He tipped his head slightly as they passed through her small dining room and back into the lounge. “So, what is it you want me to do?”
Bea stopped and took a step back, creating distance between them. She tried to look at him the way she would one of her usual subjects—and failed.
He was too damn gorgeous.
Never mind. This was all part of it, right?